No, the title is completely accurate.
7% of living American adults have witnessed a mass shooting at least once in their lifetimes.
Mass shootings are increasingly common, all over the US.
The paper the article is based on defines a mass shooting as 4 or more struck by a bullet, which is roughly a compromise, average of widely used but not perfectly standardized definitions of a mass shooting.
This study was concerned with direct exposure to mass shootings, which were defined as “gun-related crimes where 4 or more people are shot in a public space, such as a school, shopping mall, workplace, or place of worship.” This definition was a compromise between the Congressional Research Service’s definition of a mass public shooting17 and the Gun Violence Archive’s mass shooting definition,2 designed to be inclusive of individuals who were injured and accessible to the public.
Here’s the paper, two links deep from the article. 1 day ago
They should probably not be stepping off a plane into the US right now anyways. It’s not safe for non USians to visit. 1 day ago
It’s not even safe for many Americans. But what other choice do they have, when leaving is so prohibitively expensive and they’re trapped living paycheck to paycheck? 1 day ago
Thousands of people enter the US every day for work, family, commerce, etc., most without incident. 1 day ago
I’ll agree it’s not safe if you come here with the intent of making it your home without going through the proper channels, or even working without getting a proper visa. I don’t see how someone traveling to America for a short visit is somehow unsafe. And yes, things are messed up, but they’re not plucking people off of planes and imprisoning them, they’re plucking people out of homes they’ve lived in for years without being properly documented.