There’s no billboards on the high seas. 2 days ago
and soon we will be watching the same ads again even with a paid subscription. 2 days ago 2 days ago
Depends on what you download and what you classify as ads. 2 days ago
No one can make you pay attention to them. When an ad break comes on, I get my book out and read until my show starts again. 2 days ago
Mute button
It’s an old habit I had when all I watched was cable or satellite TV. Commercial comes on, hit the mute button, then do whatever … read a book, stare at the wall, go to the toilet, count my toes, get a snack … commercial is over, unmute.
Mute button, I’ve of the greatest inventions for any and all modern media formats. 2 days ago
My mother watching cable 2 days ago
Not soon. Now. Prime, Hulu, Max, Peacock. They all do it. 2 days ago
All of those still have an dd free service option. 2 days ago
True, but I’m not paying over $100 a month for different services. I might as well have cable. 2 days ago
Why subscribe to more than one service per month? Its not like you can watch two shows at the same moment. Even $15/month for a single ad-free service is far cheaper than the $100+/month that a cable subscription costs. Further, when you want to cancel the streaming service, its less than 10 clicks where canceling cable is more than an hour on hold fighting with the “retention” department trying to prevent you from canceling, and then having to drag cable boxes to a storefront somewhere before the bills stop.
Even with all streaming’s faults, is far FAR better than cable.