Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days ago
fascism must always create more outsiders, must always create more enemies to keep control, to keep things directed.
remember, fascism appropriates genuine upset and the fact that to the privileged, equality feels like persecution. it steers itself by creating enemies to hate. remember: people’s lives are genuinely fucking miserable. there is dystopian shit happening. and all of that is really complicated, and if people stopped to think about it for five minutes, they would pull a 1789.
so they just keep adding more enemies, and more derangements like what the qanons call ‘baking’ but hitler just said was the way everyone should read books, until they live in a totally unhinged fantasy world, and any method of social control must engage with the fantasy.
tl;dr: sacrificing external allies to fuel a persecution complex, keep control, entrench the madness, keep attention off the american elites that were at least supposedly some of the initial targets. 3 days ago
Classic fascist strategy.
This country is circling the toilet FAST. 3 days ago
maybe we should, like, do something about that? 3 days ago
You guys do know that facism tends to be left leaning right? 3 days ago
No. It doesn’t. 3 days ago
Hitler was left leaning. What side was trying to censor opponents and throw political opponents in jail? It was the left and it backfired. 3 days ago
Hitler put all the leftists in camps and also purged the left wing of his own party, he came to power by being appointed by center-right big business interests specifically as a way to crush the left and destroy labor unions, and those interests did quite well under his rule, the term “privatization” was literally first coined to describe the Nazi economy.
So those are the points showing the Nazis were right wing. The points showing the Nazis were left wing are… they censored speech (which the right also does, all the time) and they have socialist in their name (curious on whether you consider the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea a democracy). 3 days ago
Extreme right wing nazis fought extreme left wing communists in WW2. 2 days ago
New troll account, ban speedrun. 3 days ago
what does ‘left’ mean to you, dear nazi?