They are called rear vision mirrors/ side mirrors, and neck muscles.
Reversing camera 1 day ago 1 day ago
You can’t see something small right behind you with that. 1 day ago
It served humanity just fine for decades. My car is 25 years old and never ran anything over. Look before you get in, check your mirrors, crane your neck, look over your shoulder, activate parts of your brain. I plan on never owning one of these over complicated modern cars. You do you though I guess. 1 day ago
Your position is that rear view cameras didn’t save any lives? 1 day ago
My car is 25 years old and never ran anything over.
That’s in part because your car is 25 years old. Designs have changed over time to increase the sizes of blind spots (as an unintended consequence of things like strengthening the support pillars for the roof to increase rollover survivability). 1 day ago
Yea and sweetening wine with lead never hurt anyone, the Romans turned out fine! 1 day ago
If you’d used one you would know they show you angles you can’t see otherwise. 1 day ago
If it works for you, all good. It’s not for me though 👍 1 day ago
Those things would be way more useful if they had a wider FOV. I hate how most people now use them as the only way of checking behind them when backing up, because you really can’t see shit well enough for that. It’s meant for seeing something small and close that even physically turning around to look, you wouldn’t see it. Like an animal or a child directly behind you.
All they’ve done is make people drive less safe because so many people just stare at the fucking camera screen instead of actually turning their head and checking their blind spots.