Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 2 days ago
Hey now, we’ve got some nice bits - they’re all the bits with no people in
Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 2 days ago
Hey now, we’ve got some nice bits - they’re all the bits with no people in 2 days ago
I genuinely don’t get why hating the UK has become so popular recently. Like, sure we have our problems, but it’s not that bad… 2 days ago
Brexit, probably. That lost a lot of international respect. 2 days ago
And the US is on track to beat that record. 2 days ago
I think we already did reputation wise. Economically, give it a bit longer cause I think we’re playing great depression 2: techie boogaloo. 2 days ago
And I think it was Blair before that. XD 1 day ago
Have you not lived through the political shit show we’ve had? Brexit, COVID scandals, Boris Johnson, Farage, stagnating wages, poor productivity, inflation, high energy prices, NHS in crisis, housing shit show…and there’s no end in sight. Think the UK hasn’t been doing that badly is quite a willful refusal to see how we compare to the rest of the world and where we could have been if we functioned better. 2 days ago
randomly choosing a random outgroup to collectively hate on is funny sometimes (see: the fr🤮nch) Genuinely there is no other reason. sometimes people will create justifications/other explanations for it but really its just absurdist humor with a pinch of tribalism. 2 days ago
Look we made a bunch of overblown jokes against the French for a while…
…then they got BASED organizing ferociously for their workers’ rights…
…Then we stopped joking so much…
…and now they’re not doing so hot again.
I think there’s a causative effect here. Should the jokes continue to spur them to greatness once more, if only out of spite? 1 day ago
UK export neoliberalisn,evagelicals and that traitor against all human Boris,UK will not be allowed to live that down for 100 year. UK stop having shit ideas. 2 days ago
Is it recently, though? As far as I can remember, specifically England has been the US of Europe. Or you mean the UK as a whole? 1 day ago
Economically it’s definitely not doing well. Politically it’s been a shitshow but many countries have. I definitely hate the situation but not the people/culture/(country) as such.