That isn’t why antivaxxers exist. Antivaxxers exist because they believe the vaccines themselves are poisonous or harmful as a core belief. Whether they believe the diseases are severe or exist is moot because that’s not what they have a problem with.
Many antivaxxers’ children do get severe disease and they do not change their stance because they genuinely believe the vaccines are so harmful.
It’s not that life is so good they are afraid, (doesn’t even make sense) but rather life is so bad and such a distrust in our medical system that they feel like they can’t risk what they see as a bad product.
Misunderstanding these people may make the problem simpler and may make you feel good about yourself, but it doesn’t do much to address their actual beliefs. 1 week ago
The IT paradox :
You are right that vaccines worked so well because mostly everyone had them, and mostly everyone has to take them for them to work.
Village idiots got a support system and crossed the threshold where the herd immunity has diminished enough for outbreaks in communities. 1 week ago
IT job before last was weird. Small, family-owned, very much Boomer, conservative, Southern Baptists. Sound like hell? Best job I’ve ever had.
Even being the only IT person, I got a seat at the management table. Tech was expected to run smoothly, but I didn’t catch shit if something went sideways. We’d simply discuss what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future. Whole culture revolved around that sort of management.
I had autonomy, mastery and purpose. I’ll flog this short talk everywhere I can. RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us