I’m still trying to find a place that can resurrect my Atari 7800.
I have so many games for it.
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NOT_RICK@lemmy.world 1 week ago
I really need to get around to buying a SNES. I have an NES as well but it’s dead. eBay the best spot to get either of these consoles?
I’m still trying to find a place that can resurrect my Atari 7800.
I have so many games for it.
Same, but a 2600. A hand me down from one of my older cousins
I look on local classifieds. But a lot of people inflate the price.
I picked up an SNES junior for $50 at a garage sale a few years ago. Finds like that are rare but they do exist.
If you have the money for it and really want to go hardcore into the scene, you might look into an FPGA like the Super-nt. They typically aren’t like all of those emulation boxes out there, compatible with real SNES cartridges and accessories but don’t have to worry about the issues with aging hardware and works mostly native with modern TVs/etc. It’s very expensive, but it’s also definitely very cool.
Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world 1 week ago
My brother and I have opposing views on this.
He likes to collect hardware. He loves buying old systems and cartridges.
I like to collect software. Very few games are worth much to me individually, but I love the ability to fire up any old game when it pops in my head.
I ended up buying an SNES Mini on eBay that was jacked and loaded with ROMs from EVERY system it was capable of running. I understand wanting the original hardware, but for me, getting EVERYTHING preloaded for about $200 just made more sense for me.
I have bought two of those hacked systems from the same seller. I can check if they still offer them, and share a link to the product, but only if someone asks for the info. I’m not trying to promote anyone, but I feel like this is a market that could be prone to fakes, and I personally would appreciate someone suggesting a trustworthy seller.
grue@lemmy.world 1 week ago
Do that, but get a Raspberry Pi and put ROMs on it yourself instead of buying shady, possibly backdoored stuff.
Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world 1 week ago
That’s a great solution as well, but the mini has no internet connection, so there’s no “backdoor.”