How would yu run a car on water? Water is spent fuel. 2 weeks ago
I may be wrong but I believe Nikola Tesla was financed by wealthy New Yorkers after his separation from asshole Edison but they pulled the plug when they realised he was going to give away free power to people.
May be apocryphal but I think there was someone who invented a car that ran on water but big oil stepped in. 2 weeks ago 1 week ago
If you’re in a dry, hot environment and evaporate water in a swamp cooler, you lose about 2.3MJ/l, from which you can skim maybe ~10% with a thermocouple. If you’re charging a Dacia Spring consuming 156Wh/km, you’d have to evaporate ~30 liters of water to drive 100km.………/energy-consumption-electric-carBut then, what if you bought solar panels and a wind turbine instead of thermocouples and water? 2 weeks ago
The Why Files has a good video on the mysterious deaths around “free” energy technology. 1 week ago
the water car is fake, but they had viable electric cars in the 90s.
and for a brief period in the 20s 1 week ago
The state of science education is so disheartening. 2 weeks ago
The water car is one of those great conspiracy theories that carries just enough weight to sound plausible. 1 week ago
… Carries just enough water to sound plausible.