Correct, he won’t kill trans people… he’ll just talk it up so other people do it for him and then take All the credit. That’s his MO.
He’s still a Nazi though.
Comment on After Musk gesture, activists project 'Heil' on Tesla plant 5 weeks ago
He is not a nazi and he won’t kill Trans people. Sometimes I think people never leave their social media apps and they just sit there, believing everything is horrible outside their front door.
Correct, he won’t kill trans people… he’ll just talk it up so other people do it for him and then take All the credit. That’s his MO.
He’s still a Nazi though.
If you actually believe that, you need a break from social media. :)
What’s your definition of nazi?
It turns out lots of people on our side in WW2 thought the Nazis were only bad because they were on the other side, and not because of their repellent authoritarian, genocidal ideology.
Apparently it doesnt matter what you say and do, all that matters is what goes through his head 😅
The dude wants to impregnate every woman possible because he thinks his genes are superior, is trying to push the afd into power and threw nazi salutes live on stage for the world to see. C’mon dude, pull your head out.
I think you are deep into some kind of social media bubble here, and you think I need to pull my head out… :)
You keep going to that well, dude. What’s the matter, can’t come up with another reason why someone might think a person throwing roman salutes is being a bit fashy?
Trumps government will work hard to dissolve American democracy and suppress anyone they don’t like. Trans people are in danger right now. I don’t think they’ll kill them directly, but many will be killed either by stochastic terrorism or because they are driven into suicide.
How is Musk not a nazi? He collaborates with nazis, he agrees with nazis, he speaks and acts like a fucking nazi. Wake the fuck up.
if he talks like one, acts like one, openly embraces and materially promotes nazis, is he not a nazi? what more do you need ?
He doesn’t. Don’t you realize that social media manipulates you for clicks, for money? Elon Musk has been around for decades, now he makes one gesture, in front of all cameras, and people think he is a confirmed nazi? It’s just ridiculous. If I make that gesture, I’m a nazi too?
I think this is from the same playbook as Trump, just get attention, any attention. Stay in the spotlight and have people talk about you. That’s what he is doing.
In that case, if larping as a nazi is a viable economic strategy, i’ll just conclude that the US and its people are fascist. I mean i already knew that anyways. Elon is just awkardly trying to fit in
I don’t think 300 million people in America are suddenly fascists, no more than I believe than Musk decided to openly declare he is a nazi in front of the world’s TV cameras.
None of this makes sense and it’s scary that you guys don’t see that. More scary than what he did.
He did a nazi salute and supports the fascist party openly advocating for the naked use of state power to subjugate, destroy the life of, or kill millions (as is the logical conclusion of the logistics of finding and deporting millions) of people in nationalist “cleansings” and “purification” against minority groups.
Here is a salute comparison. Do not gaslight yourself or the rest of us:
Yes I have save the salute comparison, but do you think he decided to tell the world he is a nazi in front of the world’s TV cameras? I really think there is something wrong with you guys and how you think, since you actually believe the man is a full blown nazi now because he made a gesture. And he profits from all this discussion since he owns Twitter!
There is no other side to this. He is a Nazi or at least sympathetic to the cause. Your defense of a budding megalomaniac and accusing others here that they are in a deluded social media hole is both gross and speaks volumes more about you than them.
Its not just the gesture, its everything else as well. You know, repeating nazi conspiracy theories about jewish people wanting to eliminate “”“whiteness”“”, supporting the AfD, etc.
And I think that yes, he would do that. I mean, look at how many people are sanewashing this and trying to pretend he hasn’t even done it. Look at the fact he was cheered on by the people in the crowd while doing it.
America (or at least enough parts of it with political attentiveness and less apathy) is so far right that advocating for what amounts to mass ethnic cleansing/purges (as Trump/GOP has done, and as fascists do) is a completely accepted position by at least 30% of voters. Not to mention the plans to suborn the entire US government into a hyper authoritarian, totalising christian nationalist social-regimentation-enforcer, amongst so many other things I can’t even count. 5 weeks ago
Yes definitely no Nazi Stuff!
Whatever anyone of you thought to see with your own eyes was a original gesture, choreographed by Elon himself. It will be the new gesture used to show how the “Heart goes out” to fellow Republicans. Rest assured it will catch on and even be used by officials in Law-Enforcement, Education, Politics, Healthcare, Defense and More!
You Nazi…