Not really sure what you mean basic but if tracking someone’s clicks on certain button, or features and can be traced back to you. It’s actually kind of off putting so much for making your information anonymise which most companies claim. Or why even track those in the first place. 4 days ago
Isn’t that just basic data they already kept track of? 4 days ago 3 days ago
But for Spotify that are tracking how many times you played different songs for their wrapped. Not trying to defend them, but for a music service I’m pretty sure they need to track that kind of information regardless. Might as well tally it up and show your own data to you 3 days ago
They only need aggregate data for that, they don’t need them to be assigned to a specific user account. 3 days ago
Music players have been keeping play counts since before the invention of the iPod. It’s a datapoint that users have come to expect. I actually wish services like Spotify or Apple Music did a better job of displaying this data throughout the year rather than just in end of year infographics.
Like I dunno, Google is literally collating your location data, I hardly think music plays is top secret info. 3 days ago
They need that assigned to specific use accounts so that people can look at their play history. A thing that people often want to do with their music players. 3 days ago
If they did that it would be far too easy for people to boost listens and ratings with bots 3 days ago
But “wrapped” type things aren’t using button press telemetry. They’re using data that the user wants access to anyways, like their Spotify play history, or Duolingo lesson progress.
It doesn’t even make sense to anonymize that data because people want to see their play history, not what was popular last week. 4 days ago
A boring dystopia