- Comment on How do you change the mouse over highlight color in windows 11? Where the mouse pointer is (Apps) in the photo it is easy to see what is highlighted. On the computer screen it's impossible to see 1 week ago:
I believe what you want might not be an individual setting, but just part of the currently selected theme.
You might actually want to check your monitor brightness and contrast settings. Find a test pattern and follow calibration instructions.
- Comment on Good morning, I choose a healthy breakfast 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Everyone look! I got a picture of the Rosetta Stone 1 month ago:
Wow, so how are you supposed to install that on a computer to learn a language?
- Comment on Apps doing year wrapped gives you a hint on how are you being tracked. There is probably a legal issue there somewhere like data retention. 1 month ago:
But for Spotify that are tracking how many times you played different songs for their wrapped. Not trying to defend them, but for a music service I’m pretty sure they need to track that kind of information regardless. Might as well tally it up and show your own data to you
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
Who is Jeeves and why would I ask him instead of my parents?
- Comment on Do it 6 months ago:
I agree, but to be fair to OP, 5 and 9 are also single digit numbers.
- Comment on USA | Police Are Increasingly Encrypting Their Radios to Block Scrutiny by Journalists 6 months ago:
That’s the joke
- Comment on Indeed it is 7 months ago:
Spigot on your screen
- Comment on Indeed it is 7 months ago:
Spigot on your screen
- Comment on This explains much. 7 months ago:
I feel like I only ever won this like 2 or 3 times total
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Frank Underwood for re-election
- Comment on the new shit 7 months ago:
Get me some space ketchup!
- Comment on That's Life 9 months ago:
I can’t tell if they did this for Halloween, a funny photo, or if these are some of those “The Joker/Harlequin describes my personality” people.
- Comment on Your move, China. 9 months ago:
The first country to do both should win something special
- Comment on Trust issues 10 months ago:
In middle school I helped run the media stuff at my summer camp, audio and projector. We thought it would be really funny to show this one night after the talent show. We really cranked up the volume too.
I don’t think we officially got in trouble, but there were a lot of people that got pretty upset with us.
- Comment on Busey 10 months ago:
Almost Ellen Degeneres in that last one
- Comment on Here is my dog, Oscar. 10 months ago:
You have 7 days until that happens, chill out
- Comment on Total ecstasy 10 months ago:
There is a banana ban
- Comment on When you are on a videocall do you also keep looking at your own thumbnail video? 10 months ago:
Only to check and make sure I look normal every now and then.
I hate when the person sharing their screen brings up their view of the video chat, so now I see myself full screen and I don’t want that
- Comment on Feels like Apple is more about fashion then tech IMO 10 months ago:
- Comment on Vladimir Putin claims landslide Russian election victory 11 months ago:
Wow what a surprise…
- Comment on Nearly 50% of US parents financially supporting adult children, study finds 11 months ago:
My dad had to help me out in my period of unemployment. After this was over I found out he basically has no retirement. He has money from his current income, but nothing saved up. He’s nearly 70.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Yep, I’ve done it accidentally before. I replied to what I thought was a mastodon account but it was a Lemmy sub. All the comments on that thread come to me on mastodon as replies.
Since I did it by accident, and they also didn’t know it, we were all very confused for a while.
- Comment on Trump-Clone-Conspiracy 1 year ago:
- Comment on R.I.P. 1 year ago:
Yeah, like 1 year exactly. They should last longer than that. I think we got a bad batch.
- Comment on The only thing keeping us Millennials going at this point 1 year ago:
The remind bot will remind you in December but it will be opened in April!
- Comment on Policemen: Tell me where you live. 1 year ago:
Any SPY fans out there also loving this?
- Comment on Mmmm. thanks, Ohhbama 1 year ago:
Without a base, without a trace
- Comment on Stop spoiling your kids 1 year ago:
Twix is gay because there’s two of them in the same wrapper
- Comment on GOD DAMN LIBERALS!!11!!!!1😡 1 year ago:
Conservative Arts colleges only