Comment on flouride 3 months ago
So miniscule it won’t poison you but just enough to prevent tooth decay. You really can’t have it both ways. Pretending there is any real control over measurement is also ridiculous. Not to mention there is no need to drink fluoride.
You know what does work? Using fluoride topically and getting good dental care. 3 months ago
Those are different mechanisms, why can’t they have different concentrations? 3 months ago
I don’t know. I do know fluoride works topically. I also know there is no mechanism in the body to return fluoride to the teeth topically after it is swallowed.
So drinking fluoride is pointless. 3 months ago
You don’t need to know. Statistically dental health increases when municipal water is fluoridated. 3 months ago
Having read many studies on this the consensus is it probably does not help much if the population has adequate dental care.…/water-fluoridation-less-effective-…
We know what works, dental care and brushing have a huge benefit that is proven.
The idea of giving everyone fluoride in the water supply is pretty retarded really for several reasons.
If it naturally occurs fine, but adding it is ridiculous. 3 months ago
So you don’t know, but all the data scientists and dentists, who DO know and are subject matter experts, who say it’s a good idea are to be ignored, because of your sheer ignorance? 3 months ago
Nobody refutes anything I am saying. I think you are confused. 3 months ago
<.< And before it’s swallowed? 3 months ago
If it is so good to swallow them why not swallow after brushing. Why are you so obsessed with swallowing something that does not help.