Imagine the cost of changing the entire road network over to use metric.
Here’s a zero-cost plan to migrate the road network over to metric: have a transition period where signs may be shown in either unit, then require all replacement signs to be shown as metric. Since all signs must eventually be replaced, over a long enough period of time the whole network will become metric without any marginal cost increase.
The only downside is that for a time, people have to understand both units and how they relate to each other. 3 months ago
“Minister, we have a cunning way to lower the speed limits, and go metric, at the same time…” 3 months ago
Not just the speed limits that need changing, basically any sign with a distance on it too. 3 months ago
“Oh Bernard, you mustn’t confuse the minister with such matters! Speed is distance over time, and the civil service has long wanted to redefine time…” 3 months ago
Unfortunately, only local auth councillors tend to have any interest in lowering the limit.
Well at least since 1967 when the M1 was first given the temp 70mph limit.