Starmer is spineless. I’m guessing we’ll go with vassal state
Comment on The return of Trump means Britain must rethink its defence strategy – and role in the world 3 months ago
We have essentially two paths: continued vassalisation to whatever circus of clowns runs the US or a more equal and independent-but-unpopular partnership with the EU. 3 months ago 3 months ago
I’d vote for the EU in a heartbeat.
I’d be fine with the euro, actually going full metric. 3 months ago
Yes, we should have done it years ago. I like to think that Brexit would never have happened if we’d been fully integrated with Europe, as we should be. Not a 53rd state to whatever is happening on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. I’d even go as far as a European defence force and do away with national forces. 3 months ago
Just to be clear. The UK is full metric as far as EU rules are concerned.
Heck, as far as the SI is concerned, so is the US. We both changed in the 70s. SI just required all other units to be defined based on metric. The UK and US do this. And the EU just requires all trade to be available as a metric option.
What you actually use to communicate in nation non-sales is your own business.
We and the US are just to stubborn to use the better units. 3 months ago
And expensive. Imagine the cost of changing the entire road network over to use metric.
I’d love to see it but the money could go on far better things. 3 months ago
“Minister, we have a cunning way to lower the speed limits, and go metric, at the same time…” 3 months ago
Here’s a zero-cost plan to migrate the road network over to metric: have a transition period where signs may be shown in either unit, then require all replacement signs to be shown as metric. Since all signs must eventually be replaced, over a long enough period of time the whole network will become metric without any marginal cost increase.
The only downside is that for a time, people have to understand both units and how they relate to each other. 3 months ago
Sounds logical on a just consider it level.
But us old farts know better.
The nation went metric in 1965 joined the EU in 1975.
You know how all road signs are reflective. Well, back then that did not exist. Reflective roadsigns started in the early 1980s.
Add to that, most major roads end up replacing the signs every several years.
And the simple fact is No If in the 80s we decided to double sign (as other nations did. Every nation in the EU did it at some point. France was well before road signs, 1795 I think. But the rest of the EU could not agree on anything before the 1940s. Almost all of them had their own versions of imperial like units divided over regions based on political power.
It was not until the early predecessor to the EU post ww2 that most of Europe changed.
If we started in 1980 by displaying km plus mph on all signs. (Rounded to the nearest unit). The original change would not have cost any more than current spending. Buy now, most major roads would have had many replacements, likely dropping the mph.
We would still see some dual signs in very low use back roads.
But when did you last see a non-reflective sign. Because that is as often as you would see MPH only signs. At 0 extra spending. 3 months ago
Ireland did it in 2005. I don’t remember the cost being an issue at the time. I mean obviously it cost some non trivial amount but I don’t recall any Hullabaloo about it. Wikipedia page doesn’t mention the cost. 3 months ago
Yeah so would many same folks but alas whether it’s the weather or the alcohol or weed or mold or pollution or crab bucket mentality or FAS or poor healthcare - sanity is just in extremely short supply at the moment.