Them just retconning Cortana was such a letdown. Honestly while 5 wasn’t great, it did set up infinite to be really really good. Then they went with a really boring alternative.
Halo 5 had a lot of problems. Bit it’s a damned masterpiece compared to Infinite.
Halo 5 had great gunplay, Warzone Firefight was a blast, the Guardians were a great stand-in for the Halo rings, Cortana was an intimidating enemy by the end of the game, the lootboxes were actually better than the armor cores and marketplace from Infinite.
There are A LOT of negatives in there too. But a lot of positives. Infinite is just a shitshow from the beginning. 4 months ago 4 months ago
This is my biggest complaint. Halo 6 was set up to be an amazing game. Then Infinite ended up with zero story. The most interesting stuff in Infinite were the little flashback sequences that bridge 5 to Infinite. 4 months ago
You can really tell that campaign took a back seat in the game. A shame because the open world was honestly a lot of fun, it was just empty and hollow because of such of a lame story. You could have been jumping between worlds fighting Cortana for the survival of the human race. Instead… we’re lost on a ring again, and we’re fighting a brute guy we don’t care about, while desperate for any actual story about what the hell happened 4 months ago
Halo 5 is still the worst Halo game. 4 months ago
I STRONGLY disagree. 5 was a letdown with some bright spots. Infinite is offensively bad with no redeeming value.
Even if you remove Infinite, 5’s combat is better than 4’s in every single way. I would split second worst between those two depending on what aspects you’re comparing. 4 months ago
I played Halo 5 Forge on PC no scratch the Halo itch when MCC wasnt even announced yet (I felt so cool for knowing that exists).
If I could choose, I’d play Halo 5 Forge over Infinite. But I like the gadgets more than the booster 4 months ago
Infinite is good now with the netcode having been re worked. It has a few poor maps and bad choices regarding forge and split screen. Ut actually playing the game is fun in most cases. 4 months ago
5’s combat is better than 4’s in every single way
Halo 5 has ADS and Halo 4 does not. This alone makes Halo 5 combat worse. 4 months ago
Do people not like infinite? A mate and I are playing coop currently and I’m really enjoying it. 4 months ago
It’s in a more or less acceptable state now and I play it, but it sure doesn’t live up to the original 10 year live service promise. 4 months ago
I have a lot of problems with it. Between the “story” and the copy-paste map. I would rather the game didn’t exist, because at least then they could make a follow up to 5’s end.
I really don’t want to spoil your fun if you’re enjoying it though. A lot of the gameplay elements are fun to play around with. 4 months ago
Infinite has coop now?? 4 months ago
As far as I recall, Infinite has had online co-op, just not local/split screen co-op.
But don’t quote me on that! 4 months ago
It did not release with co-op. I think they had to figure out how to make it work with the open world map and zip lining. When I had finished it, it still didn’t have it. When they added it, they also announced that they had stopped trying to make local co-op work.