You forgot the 10k for “Attempting to buy the ps5 pro for you” lol 5 months ago
I would have paid $700 for the Pro if it came with everything the 30th anniversary edition had, and maybe a little more if it also included the Portal.
Unfortunately, Sony can’t stop tripping over their own incompetence and limited the units to 12,300 for a reason that can be simplified to be: “money.” So it sold out in less than a minute to scalper’s bots and can now be found on eBay for five times the price. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I don’t get the hype for the anniversary edition.
I haven’t heard it would launch, and one day I saw people offering 2000$ for one on a trade site. My only thought was “wow, glad im not a fucking idiot like these guys”.
I sure might be stupid, but not that stupid. 5 months ago
It’s mainly the colors, but it came with some extras as well. And a paperclip.
Like I said, about $300 overpriced even with the additional items and only hyped due to limited edition. How many times has Nintendo released a console in NES colors without making it limited? Just a ridiculous move by Sony. 5 months ago
I bought some SNES shells to put on my joy cons. Was pretty cheap and decent fun. Even switched to hall effect sticks.
Didn’t even need Nintendo to produce them and sell them as a premium. eXtremeRate and probably many others let you make your own limited edition. As long as you don’t want any copyrighted trims like logos.