There is absolutely no amount of hard work that deserves that much money, absolutely none. You could run a marathon every single day for 50 years and I still wouldn’t say you deserved that much money.
Comment on And you will never catch up as Bezos make 8,000,000 per hour 5 months ago
“BuT hE’s WoRtH tHaT mUcH bEcAuSe Of AlL tHe HaRd WoRk He’S bEeN dOiNg!”
You tell that to his delivery drivers who can’t even scratch their nose while driving or that 1984-dystopia-esque automated surveillance system he puts in their vehicles flags it as “distracted driving” and punishes them. 5 months ago 5 months ago
They don’t need to make enough money to raise a family… they don’t get enough time off to do so in the first place. 5 months ago
Not to defend the ultra-rich, but even most CEOs of small, shitty companies will not consider their employees’ well-being for one second if they they can the line go up for another half milimeter. 5 months ago
Those fucking people man…
Tell me again how these CEOs with multi-million golden parachutes were worth that if they’re bailing from a company they failed? 5 months ago
Elon is the prefect example of how little actual work a CEO does.
What does Elon do all day? Try to be funny on Twitter. If CEO work was so demanding, there would be no way Elon would be the CEO of three different companies, chairman of the Board and CTO of one company, and a president of a “charitable” organization. 5 months ago
Because them saying they’re “worth” that is just mental gymnastics about making themselves feel better about abusing the power of the position they’re in to take as much money from as many people as possible.