They’re precise right up until they aren’t. 😉
Comment on The camel was already miserable way before that last straw. 5 months ago
Nobody is more precise than the ruling class in their calibrating how much exploitation they can exact from their beasts of burden (us). That’s their job, that’s where their money comes from. They exploit us.
It’s not gumption. It’s not novelty. It’s not intelligence. It’s cruelty. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Our entire planet has been organized around a cold, calculating science of cruelty. Honest to God, if we lived in a better society and you wrote a book about how we do things, it’ll never become popular. Too unbelievable that anyone would tolerate the way we do things. 5 months ago
Alien 1: Why are there more hungry humans here points at Central America and more obese people here points at Texas? Is there a distribution obstacle?
Alien 2: Ah, good observation. No, they can get food anywhere very easily. There’s even an outpost on that ice part where they can’t even grow food. But, the humans drew a line here points at Mexico-USA border
Alien 1: Why don’t they just erase the line?
Alien 2: Because the people on the northside have better weapons and will kill any humans that try to move the line.
Alien 1: But they don’t need that much food. It’s actually hurting them. Are they willing to kill other humans just to hurt themselves with abundance?
Alien 2: Basically, yeah.
Alien 1: Wow. Someone needs to tell them about nuclear power so they could all have more than enough then.
Alien 2: Yeah, soooo, about that. They did figure it out, but made weapons out of it instead.
Alien 1: WTF. Won’t they kill themselves? Someone needs to tell them!
Alien 2: They already know! They even made a clock about it so that everyone can prepare for the end of their species when the time is near lol
I don’t know where I was going with this, but I guess I had to get it out. 🤷♂️ 5 months ago
Yes, but have you considered that that’s how we do things therefore your entire argument is defeated?