Thats was a. From years before proton, b. from a dev renowned for being linux hostile, c. ignores the fact that linux users are far more likely to be technical and likely to submit a proper bug report rather than shrugging and moving on.
Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months agoI’ve heard Deb say that Lennox users come up with something like 90% of the bug reports. They’re often bugs that only affect Linux so you’ve got say 10% to the player base reporting 90% of the issues and about 85% of those issues only affect the 10% of the player base.
Simply from an economics standpoint it doesn’t make sense to spend that much resources on such a small percentage of the player population. Additionally about half of those Linux users do have Windows computers that they are prepared to buy your game on if that’s the only option. So again it makes no financial sense to actually support Linux.
As far as the studios see it they are taking a 5% cut in profits in order to reduce workload by 85% - seems like a good deal.
I can’t even really argue with that because they make a good point. Indie devs have it even more difficult because they often have much smaller teams and really can’t handle the workloads that Linux users would give them. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I’m not sure who you’re referring to but I got this off a developer forum about 3 years ago. I don’t know which dev came from just a number of developers chimed in to say they agree 5 months ago
Quite a bit has changed with regards to Linux gaming, even within the past 3 years. 5 months ago
I don’t want to discount what you saw, but I don’t think Linux gamers are even asking for official support. If they don’t want bug reports from Linux gamers because the reports would be “tainted” by an unsupported operating system, then they could have a banner on the submission page. I would argue, however, that they would be missing out on a lot of free bug testing where all of these companies are far too cheap to pay for proper bug testing these days.
At this point, Linux gamers would just appreciate the bare minimum being put forth with developers not breaking the games for them. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Because Linux users file bug reports. 5 months ago
rockstar is such a small indie company, how could they even afford to fix bugs… 5 months ago
[deleted] 5 months ago
I’m not confused what they said. That’s what they said now what they said may be wrong but I’m not confused about what they said.
However what I have been told is that actually that’s not necessarily the case. Because the reporting issues that only affect Linux operating systems so most of the user base are not actually benefiting from the reports.
Wisdom is that they would submit better quality tickets and they do but since most of them are disproportionately Linux limited is not really as much of an advantage as you would think. 5 months ago
Wrong on every point, especially the personal opinion.
Go look at the other user which quoted accurately without misrepresentation. 5 months ago
I’m not aware that I provided a personal opinion for me to be wrong about 5 months ago
The devs from ΔV: Rings of Saturn give a completely different story. Yeah, most bug reports come from Linux - but platform specific ones a vanishingly rare:…/despite_having_just_58_sales_over_38…
Not to mention the quality of the reports from the Linux users was vastly more details and useful to them. 5 months ago
Cool game, btw, if anyone hasn’t heard of it.