Porn is the only reason I am still married. After our second kid, my wife’s already low sex drive dropped to asexual. She is a wonderful mother, but she is either willfully or ignorantly oblivious to any romantic advance. I get, on average, about one fully clothed, under-the-covers hand job every 6 months or so that’s so unenthusiastic that I am reminded why I stopped trying to get her to do it. I am sexually starving. The only thing I want in the world right now is to feel the warm touch of someone who actually wants to touch me again, but I’d rather die, lonely, but married to her than let my kids grow up in a broken home…
So ya, I jerk off to porn after she goes to bed. 5 months ago
My wife hates it when I masterbait to her. She’s always like, ew gross, I’m making dinner. 5 months ago
But Jennifer, also on the conference call, is always rooting for me 110%. We should all be more like Jennifer.