- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
It’s got dat alliteration on its side though!
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
I’m in this image, and I do not like it.
- Comment on US races to develop AI-powered, GPS-free fighter jets, outpacing China 9 months ago:
And the SWIFT System.
- Comment on How Quora Died 1 year ago:
Saved, thanks.
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
I would I would! But I cannot seem to find a decent one since Google killed theirs! What’s a good one?
I could keep up with so much more when I used RSS.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Not related to the article, totally anecdotal, and n=1, but it seems Google Maps has really dropped the ball as well.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Totally agree about Obama’s well intentioned but ultimately disastrous attempt to reach across the aisle. He had two miraculous years to change it all, and blew it on trying to reconcile two utterly incompatible views of what America should be. Noble, but in the end foolish.
If you are right, it won’t really matter who takes the blame. Part of me thinks you are right, but the better part of me is still fighting.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Long story short, I don’t know that I consider Biden a pragmatic alternative at this point.
I get you, and you’re not wrong with the rest of what you wrote. The R’s have had a coherent game plan since Nixon and executed on it well enough (and had enough lucky accidents) to engineer exactly this kind of election.
The choice is whether or not the US continues as a representative democracy. This time it’s no hyperbole; it’s a truly binary decision for the future. And I’m afraid unless the D’s grow a real backbone, every election for the foreseeable future is going to be a response to an existential threat.
But the R’s cannot win. On this we can all agree.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
I forgave his sins and allowed myself to miss him. The magpies in my back garden agreed with this.
- Comment on How have you personally found the Lemmy community compared to its competition and other social media? 1 year ago:
Me either but as a CIS Het dude, I may be unlikely to notice it. Can anyone tell me more? Serious question, want to be part of the solution here.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
I like the cut of your jib!
- Comment on Thank you 🖖 1 year ago:
Comment saved!
- Comment on What kind of upbringing makes an incel? 1 year ago:
Just a minor but important point: being neurodivergent is not a “mental health disorder.”
I do agree it plays a role in boys becoming incels, but it’s not in the same category as depression or anxiety disorders.
- Comment on What kind of upbringing makes an incel? 1 year ago:
Have an upvote, but I don’t really agree with you. Here in the Netherlands about the time my two boys entered elementary school the government took a look at the stats and realized that boys over the last decade had poorer outcomes post secondary education than girls. So, they (to decidedly mixed success) added some more and more frequent physical activity including something that translates to rock and water, which is kinda hard to explain, but is a way to use physical exercise to teach boundaries. You can see similar stats regarding differences in outcomes for men and women in university graduation rates in America and the UK.
The point I’m trying to make is that something in our systems changed, and to some it appears to be a kind of zero sum game (which I do not believe it is or has to be). I mean sure there is a chance that producing better outcomes for girls, which is great, has had some negative effect on boys; the problem is we cannot tell if the two are related, outside of some inherent gross physical differences in size, strength etc. Thus, the incels immediately jumped to the conclusion that its “teh Femmminizzzz.”
And I do agree with the OP of this sub-thread that it is a very difficult process to realize your privilege, to see beyond it and then through someone else’s eyes. Unless you are lucky and either hit just the right place to start researching or have friends who can help, if you didn’t internalize your privilege at an early age, it’s a long ass road. Took me a good decade, and most weeks I come across something I still hadn’t learned.
I’ve brought both my boys up to understand exactly how privileged they are to have been born white, with a dick, straight, and in a wealthy W European country. I see many fathers and mothers here in NL have done the same. The kids these days really are all right. So I have real hope the Zoomers by and large and the incel subculture notwithstanding will simply never internalize the hateful points of view we Xers had to brute force our way out of.
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
NL checking in here, under the circumstances you describe you are all cool and the gang. Do not ride on the sidewalk!
- Comment on Black history month 1 year ago:
This has got to be some kind of racist shitpost, right?
- Comment on Why is cooking a food item method called different things by what the item is, or what is the criteria? 1 year ago:
I will think of some super obscure and technical question and/or a random stupid food safety question and ask it ASAP ;)
Thanks, hope this gains some traction!
- Comment on Why is cooking a food item method called different things by what the item is, or what is the criteria? 1 year ago:
Le sigh. Your answerI makes me really wish we could have the equivalent of r/askculinary here.
- Comment on Why, as a male, when emotionally do I only feel accepted by women but not by men? 1 year ago:
I don’t understand how people are upvoting this comment. Granted, this is online land, but OP made himself vulnerable asking this question which takes …emotional maturity. If you think it’s a loaded question of full of judgment then it’s on you to explain why that is so.
And yeah, it’s a bit loaded and a bit judgy, but it’s also brief and inclusive.
- Comment on Why, as a male, when emotionally do I only feel accepted by women but not by men? 1 year ago:
Every (good guy) male character in LoTR, especially Aragorn. All great examples of genuine masculinity.
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
The privacy on that site was horrible, and I stoped de-selecting vendors who want permission to track me after two minutes.
But I wanted to ask you: are there any biologics based on this discovery in phase I or even II at this point? Any odds on one of them making it to III?
(also re: your last comment, read William Gibson’s The Peripheral; you are describing his “jackpot” scenario)
- Comment on For those with larger phones, how do you handle them without grip accessories? 1 year ago:
Thank you for the actual, technical explanation.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
More upvoting of posts.
I know that sounds a bit dumb/lame, but when I first got here and every post had like 5 upvotes, maybe 20 and then maybe once a week you’d see one with more than 100, it was jarring. Made the place feel empty and without interaction. Which it’s really not, but that was my and I think perhaps a lot of peoples’ first impression.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
This is exactly what happened to a friend of ten years of mine. Exactly; he was the gateway drug to this:…/everything-youve-been-told-is-a…
- Comment on Wait until you see the sequel! 1 year ago:
…and because they did not use the original script they hired William Gibson to write.
- Comment on Emergency question. 1 year ago:
Would these work for long haired boys as well? My son might could use one.
- Comment on Why do most religious conservatives support capitalist ideology? 1 year ago:
…with a heavy does of the Property Gospel to keep the plebs in line.