- Comment on For Oldies here 1 day ago:
i fucking love women my age hell yeah
- Comment on that's a cute name 5 days ago:
Richard Visage
- Comment on How to get people to use Mastodon? 5 days ago:
When I told my best friend about mastodon, it misimprinted on her brain in a flash as “walrus chat” and now she can’t for the life of her remember its actual name.
- Comment on How to get people to use Mastodon? 6 days ago:
yes, that’s what boosting is on mastodon. see how ineffectual their ‘boosting’ nomenclature is? that’s why they should be renamed.
- Comment on How to get people to use Mastodon? 6 days ago:
also rebrand it from Mastodon to Trunky.
- Trochaic meter is more addictive: 2 syllables with accent on the first. just like YOU-tube, FACE-book, GOO-gle, TWIT-ter, etc. it’s part of why TEEN-age MU-tant NIN-ja TUR-tles and MIGH-ty MOR-phin POW-er RAN-gers was popular.
- Trunky is full of bright bouncy sounds that pop, the T and the K both hit nice, the R is exciting and powerful, the y ends it on a high timbre, it’s cute.
- A mastodon is an extinct lumbering beast from the ice age which is the antithesis of anything trying to break out as a hot new service. But this would allow the service to keep its pachyderm branding.
- Change “favorite” to “trumpet” (as in trumpeting praise), again it’s trochaic (TRUM-pet) and carries less cognitive LOAD than “favoriting” which feels heavy and committed. Just because you LIKE something doesn’t mean it’s your FAVORITE thing you know? this would decrease the friction of interaction (which is GOOD).
- keep tooting as the analogue for tweeting, rename boosting to re-tooting for brand consistency, and add a bookmarking function called “Remembering” (because ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET, right? :D)
- Comment on Can we please make a viable (federated!) amazon alternative? I have an idea! 1 week ago:
A mall is a private real estate instrument built by speculators to extract rent from businesses and it’s actually rather predatory. This is fundamentally not real estate and fundamentally does not exist to extract rent, so it’s more like “what if you took a mall and removed all the mall-ness from it”.
If malls were collectively owned by the stores that comprise them and pieces of the mall could appear and disappear at will of whoever’s participating… Is it actually even still a mall really???
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 1 week ago:
the only thing I’m hoping for is that this can serve as a proof of concept that human brains might be able to learn to control limbs made of synthetic muscles like that…
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 1 week ago:
Maybe they’re attempting to make it ‘learn’ how to move itself using neural networking instead of programming discrete movement presets.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
“they can’t do that that’s illegal”
Who’s gonna stop them? The law ain’t doing Jack FUCKING Shit. If there is no group or individual who is both willing and able to inflict consequences, THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES
- Comment on Xenon 1 week ago:
youtube.com/@explosionsandfire if he releases it soon and you want to watch it instead of just seeing the post where he demos the title card
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
In your position I’d be donating some of that money that’s otherwise sitting around doing nothing. But then again, I avoid tv and streaming shows like the plague and have actual niche interests that inspire me. I see people struggling, feel a fundamental urge to help them, and sometimes DO when I can afford it… And that shit is like a DRUG to me. Generosity feels fucking amazing @_@ oxytocin, adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, it’s ALL there!
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 2 weeks ago:
Do you perhaps fathom how unhelpful and standoffish single word replies are? Conversation is an exchange. If you are not at the very least matching their verbosity and sharing information that is also related to what they’re saying, you’re giving them very little to work with.
But I usually have the opposite problem: my prose is purple as hell. I’m ridiculously verbose and I over share to an absurd degree.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
We’re too distracted by struggling to survive our small local daily struggles to even SEE the big picture.
If there’s a time bomb in the room ticking down before your eyes, yeah that’s a big deal. If, in that same room, you’re also being attacked by a pack of rabid dogs though, chances are you’ve stuck a pin in the whole “what about the bomb” thing.
And if there’s a sniper outside the room preparing to shoot you without even a moment’s notice that you KNOW is there and that you can’t even see AS WELL, all you can hope for us that all the moving around you’re doing to avoid being dragged down and torn apart by the rabid dogs will throw off their shots.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
Hmmm. Actually maybe it can be leveraged.
There should perhaps be a default instance that it funnels everyone into but makes a “power user” option available from a drop down where they can CHOOSE an instance. Make it an opt-in thing instead of a mandatory hurdle.
Mastodon needs this too.
Mastodon needs this ESPECIALLY.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 3 weeks ago:
wow if we could just ‘liberal-jacket’ an array of wildly self-destructive behaviors maybe we can leverage the trash into taking itself to the curb
- Comment on Best Buy Store 3 weeks ago:
bruh that line is SUCH a fucking MOOD: “things they know less than nothing about”
it speaks DIRECTLY to how people THINK they know shit, but all they know is incorrect shit.
They literally have negative knowledge.
- Comment on Best Buy Store 3 weeks ago:
People who haven’t worked retail, sales, or customer service don’t realize how staggeringly much of any soft-skills role is figuring out what the fuck someone even wants or needs in the first place because they are so bad at articulating it themselves.
But, to be fair, everyone has their expertise in different areas and things that are common sense to me in my specialized role is completely unknown and novel to people who have entirely different sets of circumstances to deal with on a daily basis.
So yes they’re contextually stupid AND they’re also all too often socially stupid too because they are, via failures of rhetorical conditioning, primed to look down on “the help”. Their extant frustration in the face of unmet needs is, when filtered through an attitude of misguided narcissism, thus transformed into sheer distilled repugnance. The faux “status” posturing of capitalism makes fools of everyone interacting with it.
At the end of the day, the solution comes down to:
taking in the full breadth of the client’s situation,
distilling it down to its actionable components,
mapping out the vector of the conflict wherein needs are going unmet,
generating a set of actions that could each individually OR collectively address the conflict,
convincing them that this actually WILL solve their issue, and then, most importantly, and finally: obtaining their willingness to PAY for it.it’s a far more involved process than most salaried keyboard punchers will EVER realize…
- Comment on Best Buy Store 3 weeks ago:
man i wouldn’t last a DAY there
i only “have clients” when i’m punched in, on the clock, being paid as we speak.
and that fourth sign, i used to honestly earnestly believe that in my past and it’s taken a lot of work to overcome.
i am dangerously tempted to remove that sign in rather spectacularly destructive ways.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 3 weeks ago:
… fuck me dead it’s infecting mammals now
and the current administration has shuttered the CDC and the NIH, and has withdrawn us from the WHO.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 3 weeks ago:
I realized shortly after I posted and before I even saw your response that I was not being rational. I apologize.
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 3 weeks ago:
Why don’t YOU explain to the class why YOU’RE being obtuse?
- Comment on US Bill proposed to jail people who download Deepseek 3 weeks ago:
“they can’t do that, that’s illegal!”
Shame the law doesn’t mean Jack Fucking Shit now.
The law is whatever they want it to be at any moment.
- Comment on "I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level" Season 2 New Key Visual, PV 1 month ago:
glad this cute show will have a little more content! i loved the healing, cozy vibe of the first season.
- Comment on Good morning I choose making the best of what you have. 1 month ago:
Park like that and it’ll get impounded. Believe me when I say the impound bill will be higher than the worth of the vehicle. Even surrendering the title to the towing company may only take fifty dollars off it for sparing them some paperwork. You’ll still be in debt or sent to collections. Don’t risk it.
- Comment on Meta’s AI Profiles Are Already Polluting Instagram and Facebook With Slop 1 month ago:
You’ve heard of the Dead Internet Theory, now get ready for the UNDEAD Internet Theory!
- Comment on SAD 1 month ago:
I probably already have.
- Comment on Shiny 3 months ago:
No apologies necessary! I actually thought it was more likely that going on. I hope I did not come across as too confrontational!
- Comment on Shiny 3 months ago:
It’s also good for (at least some?) neurological people.
I would like to preface that I am not saying this to be judgemental and I’m not implying that anyone was hurt by it, but,
I’m not sure if you used “neurological” instead of “neurotypical” on purpose…? Because literally every creature with a brain is neurological.
And while I definitely used “neurodiverse” instead of “neurodivergent” on purpose because it feels nicer, implying that the opposite term is “neurological” might sound to some as though you are implying that neurodivergent/aneurotypical people have no neurological framework and I hesitate to jump to the conclusion that that’s actually what you meant.
- Comment on Shiny 3 months ago:
“Hey look at this cool rock i found” is definitely a valid courting technique for non-diamonds in neurodiverse persons :3