- Comment on [Satire] Star Casino crushed by woke regulators who won’t let them wash cash for organised crime anymore 6 days ago:
I remember hearing they entered into negotiations for a bailout last year or something but refused because the government told them no executive bonuses…
How on earth does a casino go bankrupt without throwing gifts at patrons like Oprah Winfrey
- Comment on Quantum anxiety sees Australia ban some crypto tech by 2030 2 months ago:
They’re about to do the same with the energy grid!
- Comment on Bunnings told to destroy 'faceprint' data after landmark ruling on facial recognition use 3 months ago:
No thanks to the federal government beefing up privacy legislation.
- Comment on Australian businesses selling essential goods and services to be forced to accept cash payments 3 months ago:
Agree with the bit about it being easier to keep track of payments with electronic payment.
Cash does have a cost, though it’s less visible.
- Comment on The Best Use of AI Ever: A 'Grandma' Built To Waste Telescammers’ Time - Decrypt 3 months ago:
We need to set up a date with Daisy and Lenny
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
- Comment on New car buyers driven to white or grey, with bright colours rarer than ever, data shows 4 months ago:
I’m just a casual observer, but do white cats get visible scratches more easily? And are they easier fix up?
Some car models look fantastic in white, sort of going for that mid-2000s futurism feel.
- Comment on PhotoPrism vs Apple Photos currently? 5 months ago:
Thanks for the suggestion I’ll follow it up!
- Submitted 5 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 18 comments
- Comment on How can I get a screw like this out? 6 months ago:
Use a piece of leather or some multiple sheets of masking tape
- Comment on Soon You Can Store a California State ID in Apple Wallet 6 months ago:
I think the issue is Apple guards their wallet so tightly that basically no jurisdiction can get their IDs in it
- Comment on Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk. 8 months ago:
I think it depends. If it’s a quick thing that requires no clarification, email or text all the way. But if you need to tease out fine details, a phone call is much faster and easier.
- Comment on Laws to ban live sheep exports by 2028 pass parliament following lengthy debate 8 months ago:
And it’s not like they’re being pushed out the building. There are transition packages, support payments. They’re getting a LOT in the process.
Even if the coalition decides to reopen the trade, any sensible business will stay clear because the next labor government will shut it again.
- Comment on Phone calls still assume the people on the receiving end are attached to a desk. 8 months ago:
Phone etiquette for the 2020s:
Hi, I wanted to talk about X. I think it’ll take about 5-10 minutes. When would be a convenient time to call?
- Comment on What's the retention period on Inbox messages? 10 months ago:
Long term I imagine it’ll become an issue yeah?
- Submitted 10 months ago to meta@aussie.zone | 9 comments
- Comment on The budget reveals what Australia's governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty | Greg Jericho 10 months ago:
Our economy is controlled such that we keep a percentage of workers unemployed to limit inflation.
Therefore, there are a number of workers who are unemployed for structural reasons; taking one for the team.
Then, why are we so mean to them?
- Comment on Why the Guardian is investigating the deep failings in Australia’s school system 10 months ago:
On a related note, someone I know who works in education jokes that the number one cure for disability in students is graduation.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games: Petition EN6080 - Define & enforce consumers' ownership rights for digital software 10 months ago:
Separate to idiotic moves to make standalone software phone home, we do need to have updated laws that deal with products and services that depends on third party infrastructure to exist.
For example, many cloud dependent “smart” home products have been crippled or bricked by their vendors disabling or limiting cloud services. In those cases, consumers deserve a remedy if the change happens soon enough after purchase.
And should vendors be required to open their hardware once it exits support?
- Comment on The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco 10 months ago:
Wtf did I just read
- Submitted 10 months ago to australia@aussie.zone | 4 comments
- Comment on 'Nothing short of horrifying': Rental affordability in Australia the worst it's ever been, report says 10 months ago:
More than real estate ownership: real estate speculation as an investment strategy
- Comment on How's the server going? 10 months ago:
Well worth the price of a coffee to keep this community kicking along
- Comment on Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots] 11 months ago:
Abbott, love him or loathe him (likely the latter), has a deep respect for the institutions of this country and is fiercely loyal to his friends.
Abbott is an absolute bonehead but he serves with a higher calling than his own self enrichment.
- Comment on Australia’s population is almost 27 million – and growing at a 70-year high 11 months ago:
And hope many houses were we building per 100,000 people back then with now?
- Comment on NSW planning changes to boost housing take effect next month but communities are divided 11 months ago:
I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad if the population never changed from what it was 70+ years ago
- Comment on A generation of renters are staring down poverty in retirement unless something drastic changes 11 months ago:
The harder you pull an elastic band, the more likely you get hurt when it breaks.
Governments keep the policy status quo at their peril.
- Comment on NSW planning changes to boost housing take effect next month but communities are divided 11 months ago:
Neighbourhoods change. The city and neighbourhoods you’re clinging to don’t exist anymore. In their wake can come great new neighbourhoods, just different to what was there.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
The 🎉 emoji is apt, though I think it should’ve been 🎉💦
- Comment on Changelog and nerd stuff (updated 2/7/23) 1 year ago:
Yeah AEDT. I don’t mind it being unreachable for a little bit if it’s for maintenance!