Are you kidding me?
When the laws of mathematics don’t over ride the laws of Australia
Whatever crypto tech is enabled is irrelevant. The government has already enacted laws that can force anybody in Australia to backdoor, hack or whatever to access anything they want.
It’s just obvious that you access the data BEFORE it is encrypted. 2 months ago
I wish Australia were this forward-thinking in other respects (like banning ICE vehicles), but this is pretty cool. UQ is one of the world’s leading research institutions in quantum computing so it does make sense. 2 months ago
We where thos forward thinking with the internet as a whole then the liberal party fucked it to the moon and back. 2 months ago
With respect, nah, not really. I mean, yeah the LNP fucked us over royally with the NBN. But even the original NBN was mostly a plan to catch up with what the rest of the developed world already had. It wasn’t an example of us leading the world. 2 months ago
They’re about to do the same with the energy grid! 2 months ago
Liberals: “You dont need fiber to the premises, OUR version will be cheaper and quicker.”
Narrator: it was not cheaper, or completed earlier and the speeds are worse.
Libs: “also we bought a shitload of fucked copper back off Telstra, who then laughed all the way to the bank”