- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
I used to use FTP for file transfer, nowadays I just start up a HTTPS server on the source machine and grab stuff from there.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Well, it was a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing when I went and looked at their site and it just had a bunch of names with no numbers there under the book art.
Went and checked now and site looks entirely different, and I can clearly see the issue numbers. I don’t know, maybe I hallucinated it.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Yeah. I tried getting into comics once and got a multi-gigabyte archive of deadpool stuff.
…couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
Actually couldn’t get into IDW sonic/transformers for the same reason. WHERE DO I START!?
- Comment on *doing my best google impression* Did you mean: turn in up? 7 months ago:
“speak-singing” is a thing some people do to work around language issues, apparently it’s an entirely different part of the brain.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers' 11 months ago:
The game does have a bit of a balance problem, but as usual the players are not the best at designing the solution.
- Railgun was overpowered, since it did literally everything without any risk. The funny thing is - you can still do things it did before, you just need to actually use the unsafe mode.
- The armoured bugs are a bit overtuned, the devs have announced they will be looking at them, but just giving you an OP gun is not a way to fix that.
- Shield was probably alright as it was, but the current iteration of armour doesn’t really make up for the lack of it.
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
Think there also was a big switch from torrenting to using the online streaming sites. Wonder if that’s affecting the count.
- Comment on MemoryCache, a Mozilla Innovation Project 1 year ago:
This seems interesting.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
I’m not sure anyone is complaining specifically about the DM button, that’s the one change that’s probably good? Like it doesn’t do much for me, and I wouldn’t care if they didn’t also change how the DM window works. Or how the swiping works in the server.
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
It’s not about the DM button being moved, it’s about all the UX they broke in halves. They changed how swipe works, they changed how the DM list works, they changed how search works, none in a good way.
For a lot of “power users”, changing how swiping acts goes in direct opposition to the muscle memory, so that’s annoying. Some functionality is just gone or is made much worse, like no longer seeing images in search and no longer having autocomplete for the filter terms there. You can no longer look at the DM list and then go back to active DM because swiping there was turned into a dumb back button replacement.
And above all, this is just a canary in the coal mine moment - they do not care about their current app, they will do whatever they like and people are understandably uncomfortable with that.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
Well, I watched first few episodes before forming that opinion, I think it’s just the usual “cynicism pushed to grotesque” thing many adult-oriented shows do that puts me off. But it’s been a while and I don’t really remember it well so I suppose another chance wouldn’t hurt.
And thanks, I’ll look into Strange New Worlds then.
- Comment on A lot of YAML 1 year ago:
Most comment-aware JSON parsers I’ve seen just use standard // to delineate comment lines.
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
Couldn’t get into the Lower Decks because I am thoroughly tired of adult swim style of humour. But hey, people seem to like it and all power to them.
Don’t really know what else is going on with Star Trek nowadays. Anything worth checking out?
- Comment on The temptation is always there 1 year ago:
Well, if you’re writing something the user will be looking at and clicking on, you will probably want to have some sort of state management that is global.
Or if you’re writing something that seems really simple and it’s own thing at first but then SURPRISE it is part of the system and a bunch of other programmers have incorporated it into their stuff and the business analyst is inquiring if you could make it configurable and also add a bunch of functionality.
- Comment on "The "fediverse" is the future of social media" 1 year ago:
Funny, I still don’t have a mastodon because I couldn’t decide on an instance.