- Comment on Is it a pattern that most of Zendaya's haters are right-wing or is it just a coincidence? 4 days ago:
Conservative politics is pretty much just coordinated fear and hatred these days.
- Comment on What's this thing stuck on my dirty underwear? Is it a piece of undissolved tide pod? 1 week ago:
- Comment on Denmark to boost defence spending by €6.7bn over next two years 2 weeks ago:
Everyone looking at russia, when the real threat is Denmark.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
The Wolfenstein franchise comes pretty close.
- Comment on How screwed would one be if their email provider shuts down? 3 months ago:
You’d be fucked like a choirboy at a Viagra-sponsored catholic-con.
Especially if they let the domain expire and you didn’t have time to migrate all those accounts that can be reset with just an email and a bad actor then registers the domain - or even just a slightly dumb actor that allows someone else to use what was your old email address.
- Comment on Universe would die before monkey with keyboard writes Shakespeare, study finds 4 months ago:
It could make a decent blockbuster though, hear me out:
Trailervoiceguy: In a world on the brink of annihilation, one monkey holds the key to survival.
Typewriter clicketyclacks and monkey ooh-ooh-aahs
Editor (played by award-winning method actor Daniel Day-Lewis): This a garbage, monkey, we can’t publish this! Earth is doomed!
*More clicketyclacks *
Trailervoiceguy: This summer, the question is…
Trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: To be…
Louder trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: … or not…
Very loud trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: TO MONKEY!
Silence, then slowmotion monkey noises somehow
- Comment on Universe would die before monkey with keyboard writes Shakespeare, study finds 4 months ago:
Kind of selfish of that monkey really.
- Comment on Are You Pregnant Yet? Chinese officials have begun knocking on doors, asking women about their family planning intentions 4 months ago:
Why do all fascists have that weird breeding obsession?
- Comment on So, my weirdo Stanley Parable inspired game finally made it to Most Wishlisted Steam Games. And I'm pretty sure a lot of you are to blame... 5 months ago:
I can’t wait to not press that button.
Or maybe I’ll press it, not sure yet.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Then you’re working in an idiotic repo. You could just as well have have a master and an actual_master branch. Similar idiocy.
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
Offtopic, but my son is also named Bort.
- Comment on This upcoming dating sim lets you romance household objects turned absolute fitties 7 months ago:
That all seems very, very strange.
I never craved a toaster or a color T.V.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
I kind of feel like it would be a smidge too blueberry-y.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
I hate when recipes mix units. How many cups are a ton?
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
… Baguette?
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
It happens to be German.
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
That’s not Danish!
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
You may laugh now, but wait till the apocalypse and see how much you miss potato salad.
- Comment on [Help] I can't make Radarr's hardlink work 8 months ago:
The container sees each volume as a seperate filesystem, regardless of your underlying disk setup and you cannot hardlink across filesystems.
- Comment on hotwheels sisyphus 9 months ago:
Give it back, OP!
- Comment on c/SteamedHams - In honor of the aurora borealis yesterday, here is a community for the iconic Simpson's meme 9 months ago:
May I see it?
- Comment on Video of Chinese Manager Beating African Workers Sparks Racism Debate 10 months ago:
Well, historically speaking…
- Comment on Video of Chinese Manager Beating African Workers Sparks Racism Debate 10 months ago:
Africa real tired of US and European abuse and jumping straight into the arms of China and russia.
- Comment on NATO sounds alarm over 'hostile' Russian activity across Europe 10 months ago:
It’s time to face that russia has been at war with NATO for a long time now.
- Comment on I'm happy to be able to live in this world, we all came here somehow. Not sex, before that, you we're nothing, and now you're something! Yay! Oh wait, it's not forever? Fuck. 10 months ago:
Happy? That’s a downvote.
- Comment on life pro tip!! 11 months ago:
Oh, I shouldn’t have had seconds.
- Comment on Every semi-natural group of considerable size has rotten apples. 11 months ago:
Groups that keep certain people out will definitely ferment twats.