- Comment on At least eight Israeli strikes on aid groups, says new report 9 months ago:
That doesn't make sense. I regularly interact with people who disagree with me.
- Comment on At least eight Israeli strikes on aid groups, says new report 9 months ago:
Mustn't be exposed to dissent, enjoy your echo chamber
- Comment on At least eight Israeli strikes on aid groups, says new report 9 months ago:
Because clearly no one but me can disagree with the official social media narrative and only those paid to do so could possibly disagree? 😆
Sorry to inform you that many people disagree and reality sometimes conflicts with your preconceptions.
- Comment on At least eight Israeli strikes on aid groups, says new report 9 months ago:
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
The quality and variety of what produce you can eat will be much higher, though. There's a lot of cultivars that don't make financial sense at scale but are wonderful to eat.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 9 months ago:
it’s still the act of measurement, not the act of a conscious person looking at that measurement, that causes the collapse of the wave function.
That's not the case here; when particles are measured but the information erased/nonrecoverable it remains a wave:
what makes this experiment possibly astonishing is that, unlike in the classic double-slit experiment, the choice of whether to preserve or erase the which-path information of the idler was not made until 8 ns after the position of the signal photon had already been measured by D0.
- Comment on Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels? 9 months ago:
I thought the delayed choice quantum erasure
experiment showed it wasn't the act of measurement that collapses the wave, but rather whether the information was retrievable or not. - Comment on School board votes to restore Confederate names to schools in Shenandoah County - It Passed 9 months ago:
Sherman intensifies
- Comment on Sense of Urgency About Climate Change Is Declining Among Youth, Poll Finds 9 months ago:
It's the difference between what they can do and what they're willing to do
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 9 months ago:
A nation isn’t a country? Tut tut.
A nation is a group of people with a common language, history, culture, and (usually) geographic territory. A state is an association of people characterized by formal institutions of government, including laws; permanent territorial boundaries; and sovereignty (political independence). A state may comprise one or more nations (as did the Roman Empire and Austria-Hungary), and a nation may be represented in (or ruled by) one or more (usually contiguous) states, as in the early modern principalities of Germany. A state comprising or dominated by a single nation is often called a nation-state.
I read citations, if you cared to provide any.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 9 months ago:
A person makes a decision. If that decision is almost certainly going to result in the deaths of children, it is the wrong decision. You will never face a simpler moral scenario than this.
It sounds like you're suggesting that Israel should let Hamas kill Israeli children and civilians uncontested because they are hiding behind their own. Long-Term/big picture, I fail to see how that improves anyone's safety besides Hamas.
People can argue about justifications in good faith, of course… although ironically in this case, we can’t even do that, since we both know that bombing Gaza to the tune of 90% civilian casualties does nothing to ameliorate the conflict and everything to exacerbate it.
- As far as I know, the only casualty figures we have so far are from Hamas, and recent analysis seems to indicate that they are not credible.
- According to figures I've seen,
Israel's civilian casualty rate is significantly lower than 90%. 90% is the average for civilian casualties in urban combat scenarios involving explosives, according to the UN.
Also, this isn’t a war. Wars are fought between nations, and Israel does not recognize Palestine’s sovereignty. Gaza has no self-determination. There’s no government. It is a prison full of children. An abomination that nobody living in Gaza created, perpetuated from outside.
A nation is different than a country, afaik no one disputes that Palestinians are a nation, but its statehood is hotly contested.
According to Google:
Nation: a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 9 months ago:
That is but one of many reasons to oppose Hamas. Conflating their actions on Oct 7 (content warning: NSFL, cruelty, violence, death) with collateral damage caused while defending and retaliating against them is inappropriate, wrong, and in incredibly bad taste.
Your energy would be better spent objecting to those who provoked this war while using said children as human shields, hiding among civilians, and using otherwise protected areas as military assets. They are the ones subjecting children and civilians to danger and causing these deaths.
Israel has the right to defend itself even though collateral damage exists, and Hamas hiding among their own children does not make them immune from reprisals. If this strategy worked, we could expect more children and other civilians to be subjected to danger in the future as human shields.
My moral rules are applied consistently, I support our modern, western allies who care about civil liberties, and are defending themselves against genocidal opponents. I oppose genocidal belligerent Islamists who attack civilians. Not going to go to support for a group that would throw me off a building and opposes the enlightenment by forcing Israel to stop attacking them before they are deposed, and doing so is not a good deed.
The best way to keep civilians safe is to let Israel finish the job, because Hamas puts them at risk and is more than happy to kill them or let them die if it serves their geopolitical interests and makes Israel look bad.
- Comment on NASA remotely reprogramming Voyager 1 also means that aliens can reprogram all of our satellites. 9 months ago:
We haven't mastered SSH authentication via psionic tendrils
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 9 months ago:
Racism and collateral damage exist, therefore Israel shouldn't be able to defend themselves against a genocidal foe? What's frightening is your reasoning.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
Did you read the legal definition of genocide I posted above? Once again, the definition literally has nothing to do with body count. Call it a massacre, call it a slaughter, call it any number of terms for things you think are bad and don't like, but calling it a genocide is inaccurate, as I have shown above.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
They didn't say they thought I was wrong, they said I was a paid shill. Nice attempt at moving the goalposts though.
Work on your reading comprehension, that alone does not a genocide make. It requires an intent to destroy a protected group in whole or in part in addition to one or more of those items.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
Because everyone who disagrees with you is a shill? Please.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
If you're going to define your movement as anti-genocidal you should really have a firm grasp on what genocide is and who is committing it:
Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:
... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- (a) Killing members of the group;
- (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Hamas, what Israel has been clear they intend to destroy, is not a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. However, Jews/Israel/Israelis, what Hamas has been clear they intend to destroy, are. Therefore, legally Oct 7 was an act of genocide, and Israel's war on Hamas is not. Such a designation has nothing to do with body count.
I support Israel because I oppose the genocidal. Binding their hands and preventing them from retaliating in self-defense only serves to support genocidal Hamas by keeping them in power.
- Comment on Many universities calling in police today also celebrate campus protests of the past 10 months ago:
It's almost like each movement should be judged by its own merits
- Comment on Surprised no one has noticed yet 10 months ago:
I like that truth social exists, terrible people quarantine themselves there and I'm sure it provides a convenient place to monitor extremists.
- Comment on UK has worst rate of child alcohol consumption in world, report finds 10 months ago:
Video games normalize drinking? Well that's a new one. Final Fight & Tekken normalized eating whole chickens out of trashcans… how long until an article blames them for homelessness?
- Comment on ‘They’ve seen bombs, deaths, bodies’: sharp rise in chronic traumatic stress disorder among Palestinian children 10 months ago:
Poor kids. It's horrific that Hamas would put their own people through this, I hope they are deposed soon so that they can get back to a normal life.
- Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 11 months ago:
- Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 11 months ago:
Freeing humans from toil is a good idea, just like the industrial revolution was. We just need our system to adapt and change with this new reality, with AGI and universal basic income we're could live in something like the society in start trek.
- Comment on A top auto safety group tested 14 partial automated systems — only one passed 11 months ago:
The one that passed: Lexus Teammate with Advanced Drive (2022-24 Lexus LS)
Saved you a click.
- Comment on Girl Scout troop disbands after parent chapter blocks Palestine fundraiser 11 months ago:
Ukraine, our ally, was the victim, Russia attacked them. Palestine was the aggressor, they attacked Israel, our ally. Politically, it would be like holding a fundraiser for the axis in the last days of WW2. Was it the right call? Probably not but it's understandable. Many people would stay away from girl scouts if they appear to be taking the side of Islamic fundamentalists and intifada.
- Comment on They say MacDonald's is expensive now. Are any other chains still cheap/cheaper? 1 year ago:
Jack in the box tacos are still 2 bucks and filling af.
Soy tacos, in case you didn't know.
- Comment on UN’s financial troubles jeopardize critical human rights work as member states don't pay their dues, Human Rights Watch says 1 year ago:
The UN is a dysfunctional, toothless organization, that assigns power based on the state of the world after WW2, and now it's clear they are being used as a hamas front. Something needs to change if they are to remain relevant and worthwhile.
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Punching a punching bag, or a pillow.
- Comment on The probability of losing your life to a cosmic ray bit-flip is increasing daily 1 year ago: