Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession
For half a century, Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip has resulted in systematic human rights violations against Palestinians living there.…/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispo… 10 months ago
Yes, do we have cause to be against genocide or don’t we? This one is tough. I mean the merits of genocide are obvious but there are some drawbacks, too. Those pesky academics just lack critical thinking skills, that’s why they’re protesting. Not like us, the masses of the old and the illiterate. 10 months ago
Yeah but this time they really deserve the genocide you see? /s 10 months ago
If you're going to define your movement as anti-genocidal you should really have a firm grasp on what genocide is and who is committing it:
Hamas, what Israel has been clear they intend to destroy, is not a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. However, Jews/Israel/Israelis, what Hamas has been clear they intend to destroy, are. Therefore, legally Oct 7 was an act of genocide, and Israel's war on Hamas is not. Such a designation has nothing to do with body count.
I support Israel because I oppose the genocidal. Binding their hands and preventing them from retaliating in self-defense only serves to support genocidal Hamas by keeping them in power. 10 months ago 10 months ago
Because everyone who disagrees with you is a shill? Please. 10 months ago
Wow, the logic in the post is so non-existent I half expect you to make up dumb bullshit along the way
Exactly like claiming a single attack is genocide, but a sustained campaign of bombing homes, refugee camps, and evacuation corridors isn’t.
Image 10 months ago
Did you read the legal definition of genocide I posted above? Once again, the definition literally has nothing to do with body count. Call it a massacre, call it a slaughter, call it any number of terms for things you think are bad and don't like, but calling it a genocide is inaccurate, as I have shown above. 10 months ago
its always frightening to cone across people who rationalize the mass killing of women and children. Israelis speak candidly to reporter about Palestinians. 9 months ago
Racism and collateral damage exist, therefore Israel shouldn't be able to defend themselves against a genocidal foe? What's frightening is your reasoning.