- Comment on Prank calls don't really exist anymore with caller ID and everyone sending unknown numbers to voicemail. 6 months ago:
When I was a kid, we would spell out “dirty word” in people’s phone numbers and call saying we were from the “Telephone Number Decency League”. We’d say the naughty word thier number could spell and encourage them to call the phone company to ask for a new phone number.
- Comment on What if? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Are my standards for women to high? 7 months ago:
Video games and anime probably don’t contribute to being lean and in shape
- Comment on fish 7 months ago:
Hot in your Fish area…
- Comment on Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery - PubMed 9 months ago:
Another article notes “participants were at greater odds of NSSI, contemplating suicide, and attempting suicide before initiating the gender affirmation process compared to after”
- Comment on Pure poetry 9 months ago:
Boot too big time!
- Comment on The more air conditions in an area the hotter becomes around it. In turn increasing the demand for AC. Talk about infinite money glitch. 10 months ago:
It does and in two ways
running a refrigerator with an open door in a closed room makes the room warmer not cooler. The fridge just moves heat around but there is inefficiency too that comes out as excess hear
using energy to cool your personal space, increases global warming leading to a need for more air conditioning
- Comment on Lemmy is slowly dying while Reddit thriving 1 year ago:
Got me! I’m a communist and very far from gruntled.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Server recommendations? Or does it matter which server you use?
- Comment on 40 years of Turbo Pascal 1 year ago:
I loved Turbo Pascal so much. Wrote my own DOS windowing system. When the object oriented stuff came out,it was mind blowing but still so accessible.
- Comment on Snot rocketing is gross... but if you don't have tissues, what are you going to do? 1 year ago:
I personally love to snot rocket.
- Comment on Snot rocketing is gross... but if you don't have tissues, what are you going to do? 1 year ago:
Who ya gonna call?
- Comment on What thematic instances are there, and what others do you wish there were? 1 year ago:
star trek.website