- Comment on Styx: Blades of Greed | Reveal Trailer 2 days ago:
Whoa. I had given up on ever getting a third Styx. Great news.
- Comment on Assassin’s Creed Shadows Story Will Continue In Multiple Future Entries, Dev Reveals 2 weeks ago:
The article that OP was trying to link to: pkinsight.com/assassins-creed-shadows-story/
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
- Comment on Beware 4 months ago:
- Comment on There It Is! 6 months ago:
The titular line, you say? www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWxiTPQv0ME
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
It was a replacement screen, too, not the built-in display.
- Comment on Misunderstanding 7 months ago:
I think that’s the artist’s name in panel 1. mhuyoportfolio.tumblr.com
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
That’s Zara Boss, not Gigachad.
- Comment on Gemini AI platform caught scanning Google Drive files without user permission 7 months ago:
Check the URL. The site clearly changed the headline after OP posted.
- Comment on Tripping 8 months ago:
Not sure about OP, but it reminds me of The Enormous Egg.
- Comment on EXCLUSIVE: Xbox President Sarah Bond has set up a new team dedicated to game preservation and forward compatibility 11 months ago:
Pong is over 50. For that matter, Tennis for Two is coming up on 70.
- Comment on We've still got a few hours. 1 year ago:
201 days left according to BellRiots.com.
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago:
Sorry, but Acclaim really was that wild for a bit there. They also had a promotion where you’d get a free copy of one of the Turok games if you named a newborn child after him. For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone took them up on either offer, but it certainly brought in the publicity.
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
Pac-Man on the Atari 2600. I understand the complaints about that port, but I’ll always have a soft spot for it for getting me into the hobby way back when.
- Comment on Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85 1 year ago:
Yeah, the domain part got replaced with “*removed*”. I’ve seen that before when some instances censor certain slurs, but it’s hard to imagine what’s wrong with removed that’d get it added to a filter.
- Comment on Star Trek Resurgence Giveaway 1 year ago:
Star Trek DS9: Crossroads of Time on Super Nintendo.
I remember a friend telling me I couldn’t use the same phaser twice against Borg drones. I was confident they wouldn’t put a detail like like that in a game. Not two seconds later, the very next drone blocked my phaser. (Clearly one of Trek’s ongoing lessons in the arrogance of man. Ahem.)
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.
Because they’re still referring to PS5 and XSX as “next gen”, which is ridiculous this far into a generation. I’m glad even their own commenters are calling that out.
- Comment on EU court rules people can resell digital games 1 year ago:
Check the Eurogamer link in the article. It’s from 2012. This shouldn’t be an article in 2023.
- Comment on Gonna need a few rewrites 1 year ago:
It did in Lower Decks’ most recent season. Yet another reason to love that show.
- Comment on TIL that Hitler approved the construction of a supertank weighing 1,000 tons, over 100 feet long, with a main gun repurposed from the deck gun of a battleship. 1 year ago:
More like Sniper Elite 3. The last level has you collapsing a secret base to destroy the unfinished prototype of this beast.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I was lucky enough to have the manual for ET lying around. It helps greatly in explaining the game’s bizarre logic (and how to escape the infamous pits). It’s not much weirder than most 2600 games once you read it, provided somebody didn’t throw it out thinking it was useless.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x09 "The Inner Fight" 1 year ago:
The intel was “someone’s targeting ex-Starfleet officers”. The dialogue then suggests Starfleet command put together the list of former officers. They didn’t necessarily pull those names from the intel.
- Comment on Sometimes you have to just "Let It Go" 1 year ago:
Streaming soon.
- Comment on What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about? 1 year ago:
I’m so happy someone other than me remembers Radar Mission. I too still get the music stuck in my head from time to time.
- Comment on What's that music called that was used in 90s documentaries about the birth of the earth? 1 year ago:
Spacewave? It tends to be more slow paced and synth-heavy. For example: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RlxClUifEw&t=1800 (at the 30 minute mark, though the very first song works too)
- Comment on Borg O'Brien 1 year ago:
chiefobrienatwork.com/page/391 for anyone looking to start at #1.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x05 “Empathalogical Fallacies” 1 year ago:
I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one who got that mixed up. I had to rewatch the bridge scene to understand they were tracking the ship.
Also, I just now looked ahead. Is the next title really a Garth Marenghi reference? Because that’s amazing.
- Comment on Mr. Data, what on earth does that phrase mean?! 1 year ago:
Records are spotty, but indicate it results from a lack of “updog”.
- Comment on Be kind to our financially paired brethren. 1 year ago:
Corporate Memphis. I too hate how it’s taken over.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 4x04 "Something Borrowed, Something Green" 1 year ago:
That it’s not immediately blasting every ship it comes near. It was either oblivious to their presence or ignoring them outright, until they were dumb enough to threaten it.