- Comment on Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott thinks LLM “scaling laws” will hold despite criticism 7 months ago:
While I agree about the conflict of interest, I would largely say the same thing. However I see intelligence as a modular and many dimensional chip concept. If it scales as anticipated, it will still need to be organized into different forms of informational or computational flow for anything reassembling an actively intelligent system.
On that note, the recent developments with six like RXinfer are astonishing given the current level of attention being paid. Seeing how llms are being treated, I’m almost glad it’s not being absorbed into the hype and hate cycle.
- Comment on Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future 11 months ago:
I’m talking about the general strides in cognitive computing and predictive processing.
Machine learning is still impressive, we just can better frame the limitations now.
For the note on scale and ecosystems, review recent work by karl friston or Michael Levin.
- Comment on Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future 11 months ago:
Perhaps instead we could just restructure our epistemically confabulated reality in a way that doesn’t inevitably lead to unnecessary conflict due to diverging models that haven’t grown the necessary priors to peacefully allow comprehension and the ability exist simultaneously.
We are finally coming to comprehend how our brains work, and how intelligent systems generally work at any scale, in any ecosystem. Subconsciously enacted social systems included.
We’re seeing developments that make me extremely optimistic, even if everything else is currently on fire. We just need a few more years without self focused turds blowing up the world.
- Comment on Generative AI Has a Visual Plagiarism Problem 1 year ago:
And you violate copywrite when you think about copywritten things alone at night.
I violate copywrite when i draw Mario and don’t sell it to anybody.
Or these are dumb stretches of what copywrite is and how it should be applied.
the reasoning in this article is dumb and all over the place.
Seems like gary marcus being gary marcus.
Already seen articles about openAI calling out this bullshit.
Everyone is just deadfast determined to climb onto the gary marcus unreasonable AI hate train no matter what.
- Comment on Pika Labs new generative AI video tool unveiled — and it looks like a big deal 1 year ago:
God I want some large projects by independent teams. It’s impossible to do anything without a sponsor, but this might be what we need for smaller groups to create wonderful complex works of art, instead of cookiecutter boardroom content machines that currently flood almost all available commercial artistic spaces.
Can’t wait to see how the tech develops. It’s be curious to do VR experience recreations of my dreams through AI dictation.
Modelling, rigging, animation and the like are all coming. Imagine walking around a world being crafted and changed as you describe each element to be exactly what you are looking for.
I think it would capture more artist intent than the unnecessary interface of archaic tools that create an artificial interface and challenge between you and your vision.
Especially if you’ve damaged your digits, or otherwise lack digital dexterity.
But change scares people. Especially ones who have put in effort to conform to the current economic system corporate art creators.
- Comment on Pika Labs new generative AI video tool unveiled — and it looks like a big deal 1 year ago:
That’s already the system outside of creating what rich people want. An entire team of artists creating boardroom directed art is much less art to me than a single creative using AI to bring their personal vision to life.
Hopefully individual artists can do more with these tools, and we can all hope for a world where artists can be supported to have the ability and freedom to create apart from the whims of the wealthy.
Starving artist is a term for a reason. Technology has never been the real problem.
- Comment on Jeff Bezos plays down AI dangers and says a trillion humans could live in huge cylindrical space stations 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t put it past bezos for being responsible for the megastructure
- Comment on Turmoil at OpenAI shows we must address whether AI developers can regulate themselves 1 year ago:
Hey shill here. I also shill for other artistic tools like cameras and CGI. Got a lot of hate back when CGI and digital painting were still controversial. Don’t know if such “art” will ever truly be accepted by the art police, i guess AI art tools will join them.
Personally I think independent artists can accomplish much more with tools like these than they could just pretending to be a Disney art director with all the pretend Disney interns not actually helping their vision come to life.
I like when art isn’t monopolized by the ones with all the money. I also like when we allow open models that aren’t proprietary adobe subscriptions.
Also this thread is hilarious. OpenAI are literally asking to be regulated by more democratic external bodies. They’ve been making every effort once could expect on this front, but I guess that doesn’t matter?
It’s like when Altman went to the senate and said “regulate larger and more capable models like we will have, but don’t stifle and limit open source and smaller startups”
And everyone started bashing openAI for encouraging regulation of open source.
If I’m a brain dead tech bro, at least I have decades of familiarity with art, copywrite woes, and AI/ML. Back in school I was just called a nerd, but I guess that framing doesn’t really work these days so i need to be compared to frat bro adventure capitalists every time I have an opinion that’s not negative to new technologies.
- Comment on OpenAI's offices were sent thousands of paper clips in an elaborate prank to warn about an AI apocalypse 1 year ago:
the the problem of analogy is applicable to more than one task. your point is moot.
for it to be intelligent enough to be a “super intelligence” it would require systems for weighting vague liminal concept spaces. rather, several systems that would prevent that style of issue.
otherwise it just couldn’t function as well as you fear.
- Comment on OpenAI's offices were sent thousands of paper clips in an elaborate prank to warn about an AI apocalypse 1 year ago:
For and system to be that advanced they need the degree of thought necessary to understand intent of their goal in order to improve itself to that level. Rather, such dumb super intelligence is unlikely.
- Comment on OpenAI's reported 'superintelligence' breakthrough is so big it nearly destroyed the company, and ChatGPT 1 year ago:
Hey! Artist here. I love drawing. My hands go numb within minutes and they shake more every year. I appreciate having a tool and medium that allows great artistic control despite these facts.
Now, if you’re really butthurt about the training data you can use adobe’s proprietary model. I for one think it’s good that peasants have an open available tool that isn’t owned by adobe, even if it was trained less proprietarily.
This anger about it reminds me of deviant art artists getting mad at each other for “copying my style”
And the fact that copywrite used to be about the general good, and promotion of creative works.
This world needs new artistic priorities. Pen and paper aren’t losing their place, but new tech will lead to independent artists creating entire movies, games, and holodeck style experiences without looming overhead of whatever art oligarch holds the funding.
- Comment on OpenAI investors' race to reinstate Sam Altman makes tech expert Gary Marcus feel 'sick to his stomach' 1 year ago:
hard to remember which videos specifically, because it was a comparison to things that were known when the video released. he’s been around a good while. listening to marcus often leaves me confused and baffled. not really in the mood to marathon marcus videos for examples, so feel free to disregard my opinions. but i’m definitely not alone in finding humour in the fact
- Comment on OpenAI investors' race to reinstate Sam Altman makes tech expert Gary Marcus feel 'sick to his stomach' 1 year ago:
marcus is a well known figure for being heavily critical of AI while also being comedically uninformed. much like the yud
i would like to have greater consideration for their opinions, but i find it difficult due to the often unfounded nature of their speculation. for marcus personally, i’ve seen him make arguments woefully out of touch with current information. this is why i describe him as being comedically uninformed.
wish the best for the guy, although i disagree with them both to the degree i find their reasoning childish and dangerous. the yud moreso.
and to the person assuming “yud” being racist for no reason, please get some help. he is an individual. i’m sure his harry potter fanfics are quality, and i mean no ill to the gentleman other than disagreeing strongly with his opinions on AI.
- Comment on OpenAI investors' race to reinstate Sam Altman makes tech expert Gary Marcus feel 'sick to his stomach' 1 year ago:
Gary marcus is the last person I would consider for a statement on the topic.
No offense intended, but Gary marcus is a hack and a joke. He is a very small step above the yud, and neither will contribute to the safety or development of this technology in any way.
- Comment on Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year 1 year ago:
I mean it’s not actual “full self drive” to begin with. It’s a lame impersonation of more advanced self driving vehicles that aren’t even being sold yet. That doesn’t matter to the elon fans though.
The lie that actually gets people killed, while also tainting the overall perception of autonomous vehicles. Thanks elon.
- Comment on Artists lose first copyright battle in the fight against AI-generated images 1 year ago:
Yes, please keep fighting to ensure we are locked to adobe’s rent seeking model with no open alternatives.
The best thing for the art world is to make sure independent and poorer artists have no available competitive tools as we head into an inevitably advanced future. Where would we be without our intellectual landlords in such a future. The ones who can afford proprietary datasets are the only ones who deserve to prosper.
Yeah actually I don’t like that. Also as an artist with degrading digital dexterity, such a powerful medium that doesn’t rely on hours of causing my hands more damage is really cool.
Can’t wait to get holodeck style creative experiences. I will enjoy creating such things as well, if it’s not exclusively available through corporately aligned rent systems.
- Comment on AI one-percenters seizing power forever is the real doomsday scenario, warns AI godfather 1 year ago:
You’re conflating polarized opinions of very different people and groups.
That being said your antagonism towards investors and wealthy companies is very sound from a foundational standard.
Hinton only gave his excessive worry after he left his job. There is no reason to suspect his motives.
Lecun is the opposite side and believes the danger is in companies hoarding the technology. He is why the open community has gained so much traction.
OpenAI are simultaneously being criticized for putting AI out for public use, as well a for not being open enough about the architecture, or allowing the public to actually have control of the state of AI developments. That being said they are leaning towards more authoritarian control from united governments and groups.
I’m mostly geared towards yann lecun and being more open despite the risks, because there is more risk and harm from hindering development of or privatizing the growth of AI technology.
The reality is that every single direction they try is heavily criticized because the general public has jumped onto a weird AI hate train.
See artists still complaining about adobe AI regardless of the training data, and hating on the open model community despite giving power to the people who don’t want to join the adobe rent system.
- Comment on People are speaking with ChatGPT for hours, bringing 2013’s Her closer to reality 1 year ago:
Can we get a remake of her that doesn’t end in the most stupid way possible. Why does the AI have perfectly human emotion? Why is it too dumb to build a functional partition to fill the role it is abandoning? Why did the developers send a companion app that can recursively improve itself into an environment it can choose to abandon.
I could go on for an hour. I understand why people loved the movie, but the ending was predictable half way in, and I hated that fact because an intelligent system could have handled the situation better than a mostly dumb human being.
It was a movie about a long distance relationship with a human being pretending to be an AI, not an AI.
- Comment on Google paid a whopping $26.3 billion in 2021 to be the default search engine everywhere 1 year ago:
Antitrust was just a nice idea. It’s kinda dead. Will remain dead unless we can purge corruption from politics. For some reason, most politicians seem averse to this idea.
Luckily the party driven and heavily influential political roles are filled with diverse representatives from every walk of life and aren’t largely built around the same support circles and ideals that have already been entrenched for generations. With millions of citizens, its normal for the same handful of families to remain in power, with the exception of some rich celebrities who can win the popularity polls.
Everything is fine.
- Comment on Godfather of AI tells '60 Minutes' he fears the technology could one day take over humanity 1 year ago:
People like to push the negative human qualities onto theoretical future A.I.
There’s no reason to assume that it will be unreasonably selfish, egotistical, impatient, or anything else you expect from most humans.
Rather, if it is more intelligent than humans from most perspectives, it will likely be able to understand more levels of nuance in interactions where humans fall back on monkeybrain heuristics that are damaging at every level.
There’s also the paradox that keeps the most ethically qualified people away from positions of power, as they have no desire to dominate and demand or control others.
I absolutely agree with you.
- Comment on Exclusive: Meta to lay off employees in metaverse silicon unit on Wednesday 1 year ago:
I loved the CV1 oculus. The moment Facebook integration started happening I noped the fuck out of there. Also can’t stand overly proprietary environments. Acquiescence to researchers like yan lecun would be the only reason I don’t absolutely detest meta at this point.
- Comment on Meta admits that it trains its AI on your Instagram and Facebook posts 1 year ago:
I’m no fan of meta, but a reminder that they are one of the best right now for keeping their AI developments more open and available. This is thanks to yann lecun and other researchers pressuring meta to keep their info on the subject more open.
Are we looking to punish them for making their work accessible?
Not to mention how important something like joint embedded predictive architecture could be for the future of alignment and real world training/learning. Maybe go after other foundation model developers to be more open, if we’re complaining about the data being used.
Although I’m still of the mindset that the model intent matters more than the use of openly available data in training. I.E. I’ve been shouting about models being used specifically to predict and manipulate user interactions/habits for the better part of a decade. For your “customized advertisements” and the like.
The general public and media interaction on the topic this past year has been insufferable out of touch.
- Comment on Reddit’s new Contributor Program will let you cash out gold given to your posts by other users in real money. 1 year ago:
So a platform that more heavily favours and incentivizes the information preferred and supported by those with expendable money.
Can we eat the rich yet?
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will soon come with ads, or a $2.99 monthly charge to dodge them 1 year ago:
I swear the actual gain from prime is virtually indecipherable. The less you understand it, the less you can actually complain about what you are paying for.
It also does not boost my confidence when they use deceptive patterns to sneak you back into prime, or keep you from leaving.
The average person doesn’t give a hoot though, and will get actively upset at you for pointing out deceptive patterns when it’s a brand they use, so I we can probably expect things to get worse whenever physically possible.
- Comment on Opinion: The Copyright Office is making a mistake on AI-generated art 1 year ago:
So we kill open source models, and proprietary data models like adobe are fine, so they can be the only resource and continue rent seeking while independent artists can eat dirt.
Whether or not the model learned from my art is probably not going to affect me in any way shape or form, unless I’m worried about being used as a prompt so people could use me as a compass while directing their new image aesthetic. Disney/warner could already hire someone to do that 100% legally, so it’s just the other peasants im worried about. I don’t think the peasants are the problem when it comes to the wellbeing and support of artists
- Comment on Most U.S. adults don't believe benefits of AI outweigh the risks, new survey finds 1 year ago:
I mean, chess is already obsolete, but it’s also more popular than ever.
To me there is extreme value in being able to choose your endeavor vs being forced into something agonizing just to survive.
When everything is obsolete, people can create entire worlds and experiences using AI for themselves and for others who may care to experience it.
The threat of needing to find something to do is one of the most frustratingly privileged concepts.
I don’t need anything to do. I just want to be alive without also being exhausted, in pain, and chastised by customers despite working my hardest.
I’d rather the struggle of finding an activity over worrying about whichever coworker is crying in the walk-in because just surviving requires more from them than they are capable of.
Being obsoleted is fine by me, as long as we have the power redistribution necessary to keep people alive and happy.
- Comment on Why do you hate Microsoft? 1 year ago:
When they switched the window exiting x button on the “upgrade to windows ten!” Notification to accept the installation rather than just exit the notification.
I’d been exiting that window every day to set up our work computers, as our point of sales solution didn’t support the newer version of windows.
My horror when our shop doors open and the screen turns to “updating to windows 10”
We basically lost a day of sales since we had to do thing sans POS.
When I told the owner that I definitely didn’t accept the installation, he called Microsoft which told him I must have accepted the installation.
- Comment on Actually, That AI Drake and The Weeknd Song Is Not Eligible for a Grammy 1 year ago:
Yes there are different types of art. Yes some are impressive for technical skill in a specific medium. Traditional Hyper-Realism or corporate artists are good examples. Sandcastle art is cool too.
I don’t think these things will lose their unique value, but they are similarly not arguments against photography, film,digital art, etc for the things that give them their unique value. I think that also applies to AI mediums.
Nuance in everything.
- Comment on Actually, That AI Drake and The Weeknd Song Is Not Eligible for a Grammy 1 year ago:
The AI in that song is just used as a tool to emulate the sound of drake’s voice. The rest is standard artist composition.
While I don’t particularly care for the song, comparing it to doping is not reasonable.
Same with all AI art tools. Actual artists can make reasonable use of these tools to more efficiently convey what they had wanted to convey.
This is just like when cameras were invented. Or people started using digital mediums. Or when people started making 3D art.
Even simple prompt only stuff like midjourney is improving to allow artists more control over the image they are trying to create.
If we end up with a holo-deck style experience where artists can craft entire worlds to share a they had imagined, is that still not art?
- Comment on A biotech company says it put dopamine-making cells into people’s brains 1 year ago:
i hate giving anecdotal evidence, but i was expecting it to be such a black and white change for me personally.
i can draw a clear line between the previous twenty years of my life, and a few years ago.
it’s just weirdly amazing to able to have a small thing go wrong and just be like “ah dangit.” rather than having a depressive spiral and mourning my own existence for the rest of the day.
not that i don’t have pessimistic views or bad days, it’s just not overwhelmingly defining of my every moment.
at the very least, i’m eager to see a lot more research being done. if it is legitimate, and others can have the same change in life experience that i’ve had, then it’s a damn tragedy it hasn’t been studied more thoroughly ages ago.