- Comment on kemchup 16 hours ago:
I’ve got keywords “Elon”, “Trump” and now also “Vance” added to my block list. Please tag these posts so I don’t have to see them. Thank you very much
- Comment on Font size on comments 1 day ago:
Which client are you using? Just the web interface?
- Comment on Question about gaming mouse (Logitech G502 Hero) 1 week ago:
On some Logitech mice there is a button to toggle the scrolling resistance on and off.
- Comment on AAA - Analytical Anti-Aliasing 3 months ago:
Wait what’s wrong with this blog post? I’m finding it very interesting and well written
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 4 months ago:
Playing devil’s advocate here. A possibly legitimate reason ISPs put in data caps is wireless spectrum congestion.
- Comment on Changes in Forza Horizon 4’s Festival Playlist and Delisting from Digital Stores. | Forza 8 months ago:
- Comment on I'm confused 9 months ago:
Well damn. TIL, I’m confused and gay
- Comment on Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad 10 months ago:
Piracy is not a real solution to the problem. Microsoft allows these sorts of things to exist in the background because they would rather lose out on some sales than lose market share.
- Comment on Scared the shit out of me ngl 10 months ago:
I have the paid version, I’m on a 109 day streak, and the stupid bird still looks like that. Must be a bug
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 to enforce hardware requirement - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
Windows 11 isn’t bad. But it’s a sidegrade from 10. For example, I have an ultrawide HDR display and 11 is a must for HDR. But the damn start bar can’t move to the left anymore which is super annoying on an ultrawide.
- Comment on Here as well 1 year ago:
I don’t think those are mutually exclusive. However, it takes energy and willpower to make a choice that goes against the nature of the addiction.
- Comment on Get B'd 1 year ago:
Mediocre meme saved by an excellent title 5/7 perfect score
- Comment on 108-Gigapixel 3D Microscope Scan of Vermeer Masterpiece is Largest Ever 1 year ago:
And you wouldn’t really need faceId or any other depth aware camera for this. Just a normal front-facing camera will do. Or do accelerometer only and tilt the phone instead
- Comment on Even Google Calendar isn't safe from hackers any more 1 year ago:
Do I understand correctly that this is not at all an exploit for Google Calendar itself, but just uses the Calendar share functionality to communicate to already infected hosts? That can be applied to pretty much any service with publicly accessible of sharable data though… I’d call this website out for clickbait but it seems like every tech news website is copy-pasting this same fearmongering article.
- Comment on Total 1 year ago:
Elevation doing the heavy lifting in the final score.
- Comment on A new smartphone again? Rethink unhealthy culture of frequent upgrades 1 year ago:
While these sorts of practices are legal, consumers need to be educated.
- Comment on Sweden is testing a semi-truck trailer covered in 100 square meters of solar panels 1 year ago:
Rough estimate of 72 cell panels at 2m² and 500W per panel puts this at a peak performance of 25kw. More than twice the average home installation.
- Comment on Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet 1 year ago:
For price per TB, modern tapes might still be a valid choice actually. But maybe not great for read/write performance. I guess that depends on how many tape drives you have on each end.
- Comment on Google raising price of YouTube Premium to $13.99 per month 1 year ago:
The combo with YT Music is a good deal.
- Comment on Yes I have double standards, sue me 1 year ago:
“We have to keep this truck above 50mph at all cost” “OMG, IS IT GONNA EXPLODE?!” “Oh no much worse. It’ll ruin my server uptime stat.”