- Comment on New To Android? What Apps to Choose? 1 week ago:
Yeah, I think fdroid is more strict about the apps they include and I think they might do some extra tests (hence why fdroid apps have different signature from git repos of the apps).
Please search it yourself, I don’t remember much to help you.
Here’s izzy’s site:
PS. You might see Izzy in various github app repos talking with developers asking to import their apps to the izzy repo
- Comment on New To Android? What Apps to Choose? 1 week ago:
What I do is I have droidify (fdroid client) with fdroid, izzyonandroid and few more repos enabled and I browse the list frequently. If I find something cool I might keep it. I try to avoid anything from google play in general.
If I want something specific (apart from searchijg online), I mighr just search the term I want on droidify, install a few apps, try them and keep the one I like.
- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 1 week ago:
Hm I see, I have sync to keep my history and bookmarks synced across devices (also helps easily share urls among devices)😅
- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 1 week ago:
I think the rest have explained it better, but I use a Mozilla account and I kinda trusted them, not so much anymore. I dont know if I’m a minority, I found this feature very useful.
I will probably keep using firefox until it goes too bad for my taste and switch to a fork and self-host a sync server
- Comment on please punish me 3 weeks ago:
Though if you see what the poster generally posts (they tend to post very frequently), their memes almost always lean on misogyny when they involve a woman. Just do a quick view of their recent posts (like this one from 3 days ago).
I dont think they try to promote healthy relationships between men and women. I think their posts tend to be vaguely misogynistic, just enough vague so that they dont raise many eyebrows.
- Comment on Here’s why some people still evade public transport fares – even when they’re 50 cents 3 weeks ago:
Public transport should be free for the public. It benefits ~everyone involved:)
- Comment on Are some Lemmy instances down or is my phone broken? 3 weeks ago:
You could try opening from your browser (not through your account) to see if there’s an issue:)
- Comment on Are some Lemmy instances down or is my phone broken? 3 weeks ago:
Hm, just tried, it opens too (btw, check if you accidentally blocked the instance😄)
- Comment on Are some Lemmy instances down or is my phone broken? 3 weeks ago:
I can open instance (I’m from if that matters🤷
Probably a connection issue (or a issue)
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 4 weeks ago:
B…but 2011 was like 6years ago?? No?
- Comment on Workers at NASA Told to ‘Drop Everything’ to Scrub Mentions of Indigenous People, Women from Its Websites 4 weeks ago:
Just did yesterday after putting it off for some months
- Comment on This is America 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on YouTube ads have ruined the good, old-fashioned Rick Roll. 3 months ago:
I have an ad blocker and I tend to recognise the link, but even when I do, I ~choose to click on it for the fun of it.😌
- Comment on Ah, the old family favourite 3 months ago:
I’ve been reading it for years as ich_eil… Wow
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
Lol, I think other stuff I eat regularly could fit there (slice of cheese with bisquit or tsoureki)🤭
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
Oh wait, I meant sour cherry😅
And no, I think I don’t usually put anything extra inside my juice, but I’m thinking of making something fancy.
I also have some syrup I could try adding🤔
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
Ohh I remember those pastilles, thank you for the idea!
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
Someone gets me!
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
It could be many things, I dont exactly know😊
But come on, it’s kinda safe fun, you just need to have the vision😌
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
I wanted to try this, but I dont exactly have a menthol source :/
(Or do I?)
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
Your nose isn’t runny, but can you breathe easily
through both nostrils? - Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
Yeah it makes sense that they dont last long enough
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
Wut👀 wow, thanks
Might check it soon
- Comment on Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive? 6 months ago:
I was thinking something similar too:
Why almond/soy milk is more expensivs than cow milk? To make almond/soy milk you just need to maintain the plants. To make cow milk you need to have cow food, take care of the cow etc. and generally it seems much more inefficient than making plant-based milk. I dont know if they use the whole almond/soy etc, but still.
On this wikipedia article, under Nutrition and Sustainability, you can see for example that while Soy and oat milks have around half (almost has around ¼) the calories of cow milk (plant based milks seem to be healthier too, due to lower saturated fats and sugar contents), they are much more efficient to produce. Like, oat milk seems to be around 6-7 times more efficient to produce than cow milk which counters the fact that it may have half the calories.
Some may consider cow milk as byproduct of the meat industry, but since baby cows need to feed from it and cows already spend energy to make, I dont think of it that much as byproduct, it’s necessary.
As someone people said though, it probably is due to the financial incentives given to the cow milk industry🤷
- Comment on perspective 6 months ago:
I was just thinking of such a similar comparison today with a similar way of comparing them! (Earth<<Sun<<SagittariusA)
- Comment on Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer) 7 months ago:
In posts like this or from friends😄
- Comment on Feta in peril: Greece battles ‘goat plague’ threatening its white gold 7 months ago:
Oh cool, another reason to increase the prices here. Another “crisis”, another price-bump.
- Comment on YSK that you can now delete media you uploaded on lemmy (at least on running v0.19.5) 7 months ago:
Oh, I’m using Thunder, I wasn’t aware of this, thank you!