- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 2 weeks ago:
I was thinking more about their history of being occupied for the last millennium, invaded by the mongols, then occupied and partitioned by many states, including the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, the Ottomans, the Austrians, then finally conquered by the Russian tzars, then having their independence dreams being shattered by the Soviets, then being invaded by the Nazis and now by Russian Federation, with the latest nail being Trump’s actions.
So yeah, superpowers plural
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 2 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure Ukraine is already used to being invaded and picked apart by superpowers without any real say
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 2 weeks ago:
I bet you say the same regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, right? Trump’s plan to end that war and build villas in Gaza should totally be “welcomed and anyone preventing that from happening investigated” /s
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search Google.com 1 month ago:
Wait, is Microsoft using Google’s copyrighted work on their page without authorization? This is going to get pulled so fast they’re gonna get whiplash.
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch yet another security flaw, suggests users just buy new routers — D-Link told users to replace NAS last week 3 months ago:
EoL of anything should mean open source code. You don’t want to open source your code? Then you must keep servicing your products and must keep your servers up
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
Also known as cancer in a box
- Comment on Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated 5 months ago:
Regardless of the legality of the action or the product itself, a video reviewing, showing or reporting on it shouldn’t be passable of a copyright claim.
Even if the video shows copyrighted material, it still shouldn’t be allowed for Nintendo to claim it, as that would fall under fair use. Just showing a few screenshots of a video game for the purposes of education in an otherwise unrelated video would never fall under copyright infringement.
The piracy argument has nothing to do with Nintendo claiming a video as their own, despite them having no rights to do so.
- Comment on 3D printed 'suicide pod' used by a human for the first time 5 months ago:
We truly live in the future
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
In the US coffee = filter coffee, espresso = espresso In Italy coffee = espresso, dirty water = filter coffee
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
even though every restaurant has an espresso machine it doesn’t mean they clean it, and doesn’t mean their staff knows how to use it properly. Water temps too high, too much coffee grounds, over compressed, lowest quality beans. Fucking everywhere. It’s awful.
And this is why, as an Italian, I can’t drink espresso anywhere in the world. 9/10 is just awful
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
Coffee made with a Moka pot
What you call mocha should actually be called Mocaccino, although it’s more similar to what we call Marocchino in Italy. They’re both derived from the “Bicerin”, a drink typical of Turin.
Marocchino is like a Cappuccino with powdered cocoa (mix the espresso and cocoa before pouring the milk).
Mocaccino is instead made up of three layers, a layer of melted chocolate, then a layer of espresso, then a layer of frothy milk.
Afaik they’re not massively popular in Italy, but here in the north I see Marocchino more often than Mocaccino.
PS: if you want to pronounce them correctly, “chi” and “che” are pronounced “ki” and “ke”, while “ci” and “ce” are pronounced “chi” and “che”.
- Comment on Thank you! 5 months ago:
Those terms are an American invention. As for Italy
- Latte = plain old milk. Can be cold or hot, it’s milk
- Caffelatte = probably the origin of the American “latte”, literally means coffee and milk, usually made and home with cold or hot milk and moka coffee
- Latte macchiato = big cup of frothy milk with a shot of espresso in it
- Caffè macchiato = espresso with a shot of milk, can be frothy
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
- Comment on When EV startups shut down, will their cars still work? 6 months ago:
I mean, sure, but how many petrol car startups are there?
Regardless, I agree that this in reality is a much wider issue regarding service availability for products you buy. We need laws to regulate the availability of services integral to the products sold
- Comment on Telegram CEO's arrest sparks flurry of questions over motivation, privacy impact. 6 months ago:
Why even bother fining VW for Dieselgate when Tesla is a thing
What does that even mean???
- Comment on When EV startups shut down, will their cars still work? 6 months ago:
I really hope some massive EV startup goes under and bricks thousands of cars. It might be the last straw that forces lawmakers to regulate services shutting down (keep providing the service or open source all your code so that some else can keep providing that service)
- Comment on When EV startups shut down, will their cars still work? 6 months ago:
Unless they have a massive infotainment system that requires cloud services to work properly or the main way to access your car is the app on your phone (and other shit like this).
Also who’s gonna guarantee spare parts in case something breaks down in 5 years time? Will I be able to fix their car or will it be a paper weight?
- Comment on Mans got big hands! 6 months ago:
welp to buy some real estate real quick before this interstellar tourism boom shoots up the prices
- Comment on Grok do a good 6 months ago:
Like the time Elon Musk called the diver who saved the kids trapped in a flooded cave a pedo just because he managed to do so before he could build his"robot" idea?
- Comment on Health food 6 months ago:
You could extract their flavor, fill it with added sugars, saturated fats, preservatives and food coloring
- Comment on Samsung delivers 600-mile solid-state EV battery as it teases 9-minute charging and 20-year lifespan tech 7 months ago:
It’s not stupid if it takes hours instead of minutes to charge up. If this tech really delivers, then I’ll be more than ok with a 200 miles battery that charges in 3 minutes.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I can understand if someone like Google or Microsoft employs lawyers directly, as they have the resources and scale to do so. But someone like Telegram should really not do that. They should use an external legal office when needed. Even keep them on retainer, but definitely not open a legal office inside the company.
- Comment on Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers — options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler 8 months ago:
Not every app on Linux is compiled for MIPS, or am I wrong? I mean, technically Windows 8 RT could run natively on ARM without problems, except you couldn’t run any apps, which made the whole thing 100% useless.
Unless every app can run natively, you’ll always have to run some sort of translation layer, either in software, hardware or both. That layer will have native performance.
- Comment on Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers — options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler 8 months ago:
Really? I’m actually asking because I don’t think you can get the amd combo you mentioned at that price.
Without even trying… pcpartpicker.com/list/msJQ6D
This is not even the lowest you can go, as I wouldn’t get an A620 mobo. Also not a recommendation, just first three components I found.
BTW, afaik this is a MIPS CPU, with proprietary ISA. Who would want this other than the Chinese government exactly?
- Comment on Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers — options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler 8 months ago:
I mean, it’s a 4 core MIPS CPU, tops out at 2.5GHz and apparently compares to an i3 10100F, which is pretty much “reheated Skylake”. This with native code.
It can translate x86 and ARM code in theory, but I can imagine the performance degradation. You can buy this if you want, I know I won’t
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
Does it count as DIY or professionally installed if you are a professional doing it yourself?
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 10 months ago:
On Pixel (but probably also other phones) you can press and hold the power button to summon the assistant. Put chatgpt or whatever as your assistant and you have a rabbit equivalent with one button summon.
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 10 months ago:
Good luck making an AI you are 100% sure is PG rated.
Btw someone already put chatgpt+whisper in a kid’s plushie/toy, saw it on an old WAN show. The lag is tremendous though
- Comment on Carl? 10 months ago:
Iirc is to attract birds so it can infect the bird and use it to reproduce. After the bird has eaten the parasite out of the snail’s eyeballs, the snail can often regenerate and keep living as usual. This is what I recall from a YouTube video at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago:
Yeah, it pretty much blew out that whole section of coastline, that big hole is called a “caldera”. It’s still active btw, you can go and check it out if you want. Look for Solfatara di Pozzuoli.
You can also look at the Greek island of Santorini, where the whole western and central part of the island was blown off during the bronze age iirc. Historians speculate the eruption, earthquake and tsunamis caused by the event could have partially influenced the collapse of the Minoan civilization, the rise of the Mycenaeans, turmoil in Egypt and possibly even the fall of the Chinese empire due to a global winter. Crazy stuff