- Comment on The English word "four" has 4 letters. Are there any other numbers where the English name for them has that many letters? 3 weeks ago:
Oh! Now I understand what that other commenter was talking about by ‘matching of letters to the numbers’ or something along those lines.
- Comment on The English word "four" has 4 letters. Are there any other numbers where the English name for them has that many letters? 3 weeks ago:
We getcha but that’s romaji which is a transliteration of the syllable sounds.
- Comment on The English word "four" has 4 letters. Are there any other numbers where the English name for them has that many letters? 3 weeks ago:
How about strokes? 一,二,三 😆
- Comment on Fastest Animal 3 months ago:
I get the joke but I assume fastest is the eagle.
- Comment on Square! 5 months ago:
Could be a square in a two dimensional space with different rules.
- Comment on Oh, the humanity! 6 months ago:
Panel 3 was pulled off so well, I actually felt a bit fuzzy before panel 4.
- Comment on Peak Fantasy 6 months ago:
Terry Pratchett is pretty much the Tolkien of flat earth literature.
- Comment on Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion 6 months ago:
I’ve got two F710s and they’re reliable enough. I wouldn’t trust them in pro gaming though.
If I got in the sub and saw one of these used to steer it, I’d be very concerned. I know they’re not really blaming Logitech; just taking one of these out of the plastic packaging and saying ‘OK, now we’ve got steering and propulsion!’ is not really a safety culture to get behind.
- Comment on ochem periodic table 6 months ago:
Thanks for the ENHANCE 👍
- Comment on penetration tests 6 months ago:
I reckon you’re thinking of the neutrino which rarely interacts with matter.
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
So how about a bottle of dry ice?
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 9 months ago:
YouTube already did the math, as did almost every single company and corporation on the planet.
There’s a lot more revenue in advertising than subscriptions, especially on a website that started off entirely free (so Netflix for example goes in the subscription model rather than the advertising model but that seems to have changed!)
There’s a mass of people who follow up on these advertisements. The latest advertisements I’ve encountered on YouTube are really really calculated and well scripted. For example the digital dollar advertisements sound like they’re going to save you from financial ruin. It’s clever and it’s working. Money is pouring in.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 9 months ago:
The Chinese consumers have been eating up ads like that for their TVs to power on for roughly half a decade at least. I’m talking Xiaomi. Chinese consumers are the perfect ad(shit)-eating consumer; so docile and they like to burn money (I mean, they do…literally).