If you called for help but no one came, how would you feel? Despite sad songs sung by cowboys, believe that not all roses have thorns. Dare to be stupid but don’t be an American Idiot.
- Comment on U.S. leads countries where golf courses occupy more land than solar, wind plants 5 days ago:
This has already been posted here I think
- Comment on Trump Paralyzes the U.S. Wind Power Industry | The president, who despises wind turbines, has paused federal permits and leasing for such projects, putting company plans in limbo 5 days ago:
They require federal permits for the installations even if its on private property.
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 5 days ago:
In places where the golf is on the edges of cities, absolutely. It just depends on where the course is and what’s surrounding it. Obviously not all courses are in places where all (or even most) uses make sense. I feel there’s a lot of debate here on what exactly the best use to replace golf with would be, and the answer is always that it depends on location and surrounding context. I think the vast majority of us agree that golf is a waste of space, energy, and water, which serves an almost entirely exclusionary function, and all most of us disagree on is what the best use is to replace it.
Since before we use it for other purposes we need to reclaim it from golf, I think almost everyone in this thread agrees on all policies (about this matter) relevant for essentially the entirety of the foreseeable future, which I think sometimes gets lost in this conversation (and others.)
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 6 days ago:
Golf sucks, we should eliminate it. Recycle the land into multiple uses, e.g. housing, green/park space (which it currently isn’t), commercial space, and if the course is located in such a place where it makes sense to put a solar farm (not too close to dense housing), solar. It need not all be one thing. Realistically, this won’t happen in most places without a lot of other stuff happening first. But if we see it, that would be frickin’ awesome. For normal people, just start to de-normalize it as a pass time, disk golf is a good alternative that requires less space and usually coexists with nature.