- Comment on How do car share coops work? Have you ever been a member or started a car coop? 18 hours ago:
Well, typically how it works is that it’s an alternative to renting a piece of farmland in cash. Instead of paying the land owner in cash, you pay them in a portion of your harvest. /s
- Comment on I guess this means I need to get blown 1 day ago:
Why prop it up? Tear that thing down and recycle it. There’s good wood in those old barns!
- Comment on I'll have one war please 1 day ago:
Well, I got good news at least. I’m officially no longer morally qualified to serve in my nation’s armed forces!
- Comment on unless it’s really really funny 2 days ago:
That’s why I said a wild bald eagle!
- Comment on unless it’s really really funny 2 days ago:
Exactly. Don’t threaten politicians. Just wish horrible things upon them that are acts no human being could ever carry out. Let God do the dirty work for you. That way it’s not a threat.
Dear Lord in Heaven, please open a sink hole directly beneath the president and his cabinet, and have the Earth swallow them whole, never to be seen again. Bend the earth to your will as if the bowels of Hell itself were reaching up to finally claim their own.
I also recommend wishing lightning strikes, wild animal maulings, and just good old-fashioned heart attacks upon people. I personally think Trump being mauled to death by a wild bald eagle would be an incredibly fitting way for the fat bastard to finally die.
It’s perfectly legal to wish death upon evil men. It’s only a true threat if it’s actionable. And it clearly cannot be actionable if it’s something no human being has any control over.