Aren’t you a conservative?
Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 22 hours ago
Echo chamber problems lol.
Y’all have banned or bullied every single Republican or conservative person off this website.
You can’t talk to people who aren’t here. 21 hours ago 21 hours ago
- Not a conservative.
- I am currently banned from like 30 different subs and like 10 of them I don’t think I even interacted with whatsoever.
- Is anything real? Won’t know till we die. 21 hours ago
Source on that claim? 21 hours ago
Hold up! The truth matters again‽ I thought I’d never see the day. 20 hours ago
Probably the downvotes on his comment are a liiiitttttllllllleeeee bit indicative 1 hour ago
Well if none of them can have an adult conversation that happens. I’ve “debated” with them on here and it devolved into Twitter. Insults, grand claims with no evidence. Yes, we’ve created an echo chamber where you have to actually prove what you say, and they couldn’t survive. I’m ok with that.