- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
In the video, the creator (talking about the seasons where they live, in Southern Coastal California) states that instead of saying “spring” and “autumn”, they call both seasons “nice”, because they are indistinguishable. I’m using the same rationale, basically.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
Seasons of Lahore, Pakistan (imo):
- Mid-December to February: chilly weather, often between 4-15 degrees Celsius, pretty mild compared to the rest of the year
- March: first spring, plants are noticeably becoming more alive, flowers are blooming, but temperatures are rapidly increasing. Around this time I set my heat pump to cooling mode
- April to July: first part of summer, very dry, heatwaves start to happen. Temperature is around 28-40 degrees usually
- July to early September: second part of summer, around as hot as the first part but monsoons start to happen
- September: second spring, ofc similar to the first but temperatures start to drop.
- Mid-September to November: the smoggy season. Pretty moderate temperatures (10-25 degrees), but there is way too much air pollution. A lot of it is due to farmers burning their stalks around this time. I set my heat pump to heating mode around the latter half of this season
- Comment on sad spinosarus 3 months ago:
properly cropped version
Image - Comment on What is the difference between and 3 months ago:
If you consider and “most extreme” then sure.
Image - Comment on Examination you say? What kind? 3 months ago:
Damn. In the SpongeBob Movie there’s an ice cream shop called “Goofy Goober”. I didn’t know why the mascot’s a peanut until now.
Image - Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
around 2 years old I guess
- Comment on Clippy's coming for you 3 months ago:
How do I select both
- Comment on Grr Windows 4 months ago:
can’t you disable abrupt updates with some tweaker?
- Comment on I can't figure out if this is a baby, or a cat 4 months ago:
actually you are right. I opened the original thread and figured from context, that this is just a mother talking about her child. i said “fatal” because honestly my autistic ass assumed something much worse
- Comment on I can't figure out if this is a baby, or a cat 4 months ago:
fatal typo
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
is this fine? Image
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
This you? lol Image
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
gnome :)
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
Sub name is censored, but I can just tell that’s r/namenerds.
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
taking the community name literally, huh …
- Comment on xkcd #3001: Temperature Scales 4 months ago:
Dividing by zero 😱