- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 18 hours ago:
You can even 3D print a weapon that’s able to fire multiple shots. With the right material even up to a few dozen (with reduced accuracy).
I wonder at what point the US will learn that guns aren’t candy that should be available to everyone, but also that high crime rates can’t be suppressed through power but have to be solved through social policies. The difficulty to obtain a weapon has to be high, with the incentives of doing so low.
- Comment on nuked from orbit 1 week ago:
That’s a really bad argument given one of those chambers is literally run by, and full of, nazis.
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
This. Especially Ukraine won’t just roll over anyway, they are still VERY aware of their suffering in the USSR and stuff like the Holodomor. The only thing that would happen is for Ukraine to become another country in a constant state of insurrection and civil war (I’m lacking the english vocabulary to properly describe it, but you get the point).
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
I hope you don’t believe it won’t be similar the other way around, because it will. Citizens loyal to Ukraine won’t just roll over and accept the annexation no matter what the US and Russian regimes are saying. They’ll most likely keep fighting as they do now.
Honestly, the best that could happen to resolve the issue and not causing it to become a century-long problem with “generational hate” fueling a lasting conflict would be for EU countries as well as other allies (Australia, Japan, South Korea etc) to go all-in and keep supporting Ukraine, in a way it overwhelms Russia. Of course I know how unrealistic that sounds right now…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
It’s not perfectly correct indeed, gender dysphoria isn’t classified as mental disorder anymore with the DSM-V and ICD-11 as it doesn’t fit the bill (according to decades of science). It’s more of an in-congruence between brain structure and hormone chemistry, and this mismatch causing very subtle but sometimes intense suffering (which in turn CAN cause mental illness, obviously).
Given he gets the important points I wouldn’t try to correct him too much on that. He even demands something that’s basically part of the normal process: before receiving treatment that causes irreversible changes (hormones) there’s ALWAYS therapy and analysis involved. The only exception to this may be temporary hormone blockers, as those do not cause irreversible harm but give both the person and their therapist time to sort things out and find the correct answer.
(In case anyone wonders: No, we do not have a comprehensive way to tell anything conclusive from an MRI scan… yet)
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
This post can be taken as-is with “Lemmy” replaced with “Linux”, and I fucking hate it. So many people despise the idea of “normies” coming to what they love as if they’re the reason things got so bad. This stuff could be so great if they were actually made for everyone.
- Comment on eggs in japan 3 weeks ago:
The website indeed seems to put the prices unfavorably high. Checked for Germany, the “normal area” talks about apartment prices as high as those in cities like Hamburg (which is expensive). They may expect expats to attempt living in those areas more often.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Your estimation goes way off because you still believe lithium ion to be the only viable solution. By now Sodium-Ion batteries are already installed even in EVs and can be produced without any critical resource like lithium.
And then of course there are all the other storage solution. Like I said, there even are storage solutions like concrete balls. Successfully tested in 2016, here an article from 2013.
By now it wouldn’t be wise to stifle this enormous emerging market of various technologies by using expensive, problematic technology (not just because the biggest producer of fuel rods is Russia).
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
I think you underestimate how much storage power is currently being build and how many different technologies are available. In Germany alone there currently are 61 projects planed and in the approval phase boasting a combined 180 Gigawatts of potential power until 2030. Those of them that are meant to be build at old nuclear power plants (the grid connection is already available there) are expected to deliver 25% of the necessary storage capacity. In addition all electric vehicles that are assumed to be on the road until 2030 add another potential 100GW of power.
Of course these numbers are theoretical as not every EV will be connected to a bidirectional charger and surely some projects will fail or delay, however given the massive development in this sector and new, innovative tech (not just batteries but f.e. a concrete ball placed 800m below sea level, expected to store energy extremely well at 5.8ct / kilowatt) there’s very much reason for optimism here.
It’s also a funny sidenote that France, a country with a strong nuclear strategy, frequently buys power from Germany because it’s so much cheaper.
- Comment on Postiz (v1.6.6) - open-source social media scheduling tool 4 months ago:
This. I wholeheartedly concur that corporate “social” media is fucking shit up like hell, however as long as people are socially stuck there they will be around, as as long as that is the case people who need to make a living will have to roll out stuff and communicate with people there.
In fact this is specifically the kind of tool a friend and me looked for but couldn’t find as FOSS until now, although we’d definitely need support for the Mastodon API / Lemmy.
One may argue which platforms to choose (depending on what you want to show people or who you want to reach). But completely abandoning garbage platforms ain’t possible right now, especially for small businesses who need to be seen somewhere.
- Comment on smart engineering 4 months ago:
sigh even jokes communicate stuff; they’re especially powerful in normalizing things.
I’m aware people hate it when someone criticizes jokes. However when bad stuff gets normalized it’s necessary to point that out.
- Comment on smart engineering 4 months ago:
Celebrating selfishness and deception is just that, no matter how warped the perception of a theoretical majority of people might be. Perpetuating such nonsense will only cause more harm in the future. It’s not a sign of good behaviour or even mental health to be well adapted to a broken system.
So yeah, not “smart”. Disgusting.
- Comment on smart engineering 4 months ago:
So it’s smart to scam people. Interesting take.