- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
Well, what else did he expect to happen when eating shit?
- Comment on NoStupidQuestions 3 months ago:
I think his knowledge was lacking, he did have wisdom to first put enough effort in searching for it and then once he realized, he admitted to it.
- Comment on Trick OR Treat 3 months ago:
It would be ((trick nor treat) or treat) so basically all the non-circle region and the treat circle is filled…
After writing this, i am wondering if you actually needed the information or was it just the funny thing to say…
Guys am I autistic?
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
Realistically nothing. You gain very little by saying something then you lose not saying anything. The only time people somewhat appreciate being talked to is when they already recognise you a little…
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
I really thought by making intentional mistakes in my comment people would be able to see the OBVIOUS sarcasm, but I guess not…
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 4 months ago:
This is a by-product of modern society (maybe late stage capitalism). We need to be sold a “solution” to a problem. Reducing consumption is not something that can easily be sold hence these carbon capture, recycling plastic “solutions”.
Unless someone can make money off of it, reducing emissions is going to be difficult.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
He wants money/power, and he is getting it. The rest of the AI field will forever be haunted by his greed.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
The saddest part is, this is going to cause yet another AI winter. The first few ones were caused by genuine over-enthusiasm but this one is purely fuelled by greed.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
You just haven’t tried OpeningAI’s latest orione model. A company employee said it is soooo smart, can you believe it? And the government is like, goddamn we are so scareded of it. Im telling you AGI december 2024, you’ll will see!
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 4 months ago:
If you use android, just use adguard private dns. It will get rid of third party apps ads. For youtube you need revanced or newpipe
- Comment on Pringhouls 4 months ago:
Why how many universes do you have in your cylinder?
- Comment on Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court. 4 months ago:
Germany wants the immigrant but i don’t think young germans want that. Look at the recent rise of AFD among young germans. Maybe they need immigrants so when the economy goes down they can blame it on immigrants
- Comment on I'll share a troubling fact with you if you share one with me 4 months ago:
At birth there are usually more males than females. Around adulthood age they are roughly equal, and around our death there are way more females than males.
Another one, kinda romantic as well. Most life long couples, when one of them dies due to old age, the other one follows soon. Despite women having a longer life span than men.
Another interesting one, most relationships end within 7 years. Once the 7 year period has passed, the likelihood of that relationship lasting till death increases significantly. It’s called 7 year ick.
- Comment on I'll share a troubling fact with you if you share one with me 4 months ago:
So you know how you have dna? Well dna converts into amino acids and long chains of amino acids are called proteins. Proteins are the real workers in our body.
But you might think, if you knew the dna sequence, you know it all, correct? Not really. You see, dna is only 1 dimensional data. A lot of the information about the functions of a protein comes from its structure.
So really, if you have a correct dna converted into amino acid chain (a protein), it still needs to be in the correct shape or folding in order for it to function.
Prions are incorrect foldings of amino acid which obviously do not work. But whats more is that, when these folded structures come in contact with other functioning proteins, they can turn them into incorrect folding as well.
Since these proteins are still your own (ie they still came from your dna) the immune system doesn’t quite work on them like it would on a foreign substance like bacteria or virus.
- Comment on 3D printed cloverleaf antenna maker 4 months ago:
Dunno how to feel… Excited because it looks cool or sad that it will be used to kill someone. The world has gotten depressing
- Comment on This man is a parody of himself 4 months ago:
That’s actually incorrect, the light reflected by the mirror is time delayed based on 2 x the width of glass on the mirror so you are just kissing a slightly older version of you.
A world renowned scientist like neil should know better
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 5 months ago:
I think thats much more difficult than it seems, because usually only residential IPs are the ones that don’t get those. And if you start to use a residential proxy too much then that IP can also get flagged.
- Comment on If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine? 5 months ago:
I don’t think so, the premise is that water can be converted to wine. Water here does not mean the chemical composition (ie h2o) but rather as a concept. So once water is converted the whole of it is refered to as “wine”. If you were to separate it into components you can do so but they won’t be called wine. Then you can use jesus to convert the water component again and repeat the process.
Another caveat, water is more than just h2o ie, what we usually refer to as “water” can contain many things like minerals, salt and even bacteria etc, in fact i doubt you can get pure h2o easily.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Or ask for a one time fee, based on the amount of money they spent. And provide an obfuscated version of the model to people.
I will buy it just like I buy other digital stuff like games or movies. Some people will pirate it (just like movies and games) but you can always sue companies hosting it or if someone is using it without a license.
Incrementally improve the model and release new versions of it. Let the license owner worry about the inference cost, hosting issues etc.
Openai wants to have its cake and eat it too.
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
Why wouldn’t they charge their so many corporate customers more? They supposedly are providing their services to US government and military, just charge them extra and pay the publishers.
They intentionally keep their prices lower to out-compete other companies and then complain about it. If they put their actual cost to their customers, you would realize how quickly they will lose the market because open source models would out compete them
- Comment on Wendy's 5 months ago:
Nope, you’re thinking of taliban. But there is a new ISIS (ISIS-k for khorasan) now who is actually an enemy of taliban (part of afghanistan comes under khorasan and ISIS-k claims that they should rule it.
Both are classified as terrorist groups but the key difference is Taliban focuses more inwards while ISIS is globally terroristic. Like that threat in taylor swift concert was ISIS.
Historically talibans have always wanted to rule their own country while ISIS has wanted to rule over the whole world by creating a caliphate and sticking to a very extremist version of islam.
If I’m not wrong, the whole conflict with Taliban started when US asked them to hand over Osama bin laden, afghan people said no because he was their guest and culturally afghanis go to extreme lengths in their hospitality (like they take offense if you don’t eat in their house, or in this case, they would fight with their life to protect their guest) so basically US declared war on afghanistan and talibans (early freedom fighters) were formed. But over the years they have become much more terroristy (is it even a word?) and violent, such as their attacks in Pakistan for supporting US and so on.
Morally talibans are slightly better than ISIS.
- Comment on How come zombies seem to have sharp teeth while the rest of their body is rotting away? Or is just fiction? 6 months ago:
Don’t do it don! We still are recovering from covid. Whatever zombie virus you are planning to release, just think about it okay?
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
By this logic, the US Navy should also get into legal trouble for creating the Tor project.
Selective enforcement of law is a tool of oppression. Happens all the time in oppressive regimes.