- Comment on Border Patrol agent killed in Vermont identified 5 weeks ago:
Hope he died screaming.
- Comment on Marvel Snap is banned, just like TikTok 5 weeks ago:
Good move. Call GovCo’s bluff.
- Comment on Two top Iranian judges shot dead in supreme court in ‘planned assassination’ 5 weeks ago:
We need some of that energy over here in the US.
- Comment on TikTok goes dark in US as Trump seeks reprieve from ban 5 weeks ago:
I’d rather it stay shut down than be sold to some GovCo approved billionaire oxygen thief who’s going to tear apart the algorithm and turn it into another tool to control thought and manufacture consent.
- Comment on Ford’s X account calls Israel a ‘terrorist state’ in apparent hack incident 1 month ago:
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
Russia may enjoy how the chips landed. But the wound is entirely self inflicted. 50 years since the US govt gave up all pretense of giving a fuck about anyone worth less than 8 figures. Stagnant wages. The opposition to Republican bullshit is center-right plutocrats with their heads so far up their own asses they cocked up a 2nd layup election against an insane serial criminal reality TV host by running to the right. Best we can do on Healthcare is fucking Romneycare. And the idea of opposing a for real no shit in living color full 3d genocide is met with cries of antisemitism and being told to get over it.
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
I have zero faith in our institutions. They’ll quietly do their jobs until the dictator has them purged.
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
I’m sure the secret service is absolutely thrilled.
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
The man has aged since that famous photo from like 20 years ago.
~questions asked at parliament~
- Comment on Florida Rejects Measure to Make Abortion a Right 3 months ago:
Florida passed it with 57% in favor. But Deathsantis had already rigged shit so anything less than 60% meant that the measure failed. They didn’t reject shit.
Get your shit together. Of course I’d expect no less from Epoch.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
One of the best games of the last decade. Top-5 easy.
I played it since launch. Originally on a Xbone, and my biggest complaint back then was minimap lag. You wouldn’t believe how many turns I missed.
But yeah, rough launch. Made a storybook comeback. Now it’s incredible. My biggest gripe now is that it doesn’t have NG+. I went on Pavel’s streams and begged for NG+ for 2 years. All I wanted was Levels. Not SC, not money, not 'ware, not unique weapons. I just wanted to start the game at max level. They heard NG+ and thought we wanted the NG+ from Witcher 3. Which I actually hated. Cuz all the enemies get a buff and all your specced out end game gear is outclassed by garbage you pick up on the side of the road by the time you leave White Orchard. But that’s not what we or at least I wanted.
- Comment on Lithium-ion batteries have ruled for decades. Now they have a challenger. | Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as a possible alternative. 3 months ago:
But do they catastrophically explode for no apparent reason?
- Comment on Man 3 months ago:
Ok manager, you can have mine. Just make sure you eat it vein side down. So you get a taste of what you assholes deserve.
- Comment on Watch. It. 3 months ago:
- Comment on Watch. It. 3 months ago:
You have weak genes and a weak constitution, but don’t worry. One Piece will fix them both.
Start One Piece now.
- Comment on you can say segs on the internet 3 months ago:
Boning. The Wild Mambo. The Hunka Chunka.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 3 months ago:
YT Exec - /rips massive line of coke off Intern’s ass/ - “Remove View Count”
YT Engineer - “But Sir, users will hate that. It will actively make the user experience worse”
YT Exec - “That’s the goddamn point!”
- Comment on Crunchyroll just Committed a Federal Crime. 3 months ago:
Well yes. That’s the point. Cut costs (slash staff, quality, etc) then make as much money as you can as fast as you can off the goodwill and fan loyalty built up by the original product/service.
Vulture Capital doing what it does. Make everything shittier AND more expensive.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 3 months ago:
I mask at work. At work I’m happy and helpful. I don’t cuss. I don’t get involved in drama. I don’t cause problems. Keep my head down, punch that clock, make my money. That’s the only reason I’m there.
I do my cussing at home. A place without judgement or guidelines to abide by.
- Comment on We are at the Wolfenstein stage of capital. 3 months ago:
Pigs don’t need attack dogs. They never did. They don’t now.
- Comment on Balls 3 months ago:
You shut your whore mouth. This is the single greatest thing AI has ever done.
- Comment on Not haunted. 3 months ago:
Hell yeah. I’ll play nice if they do. If they dont? Well I’m part Mohawk Native and I’ve watched all of Supernatural twice. Got Salt and Sage at the ready.
- Comment on 🧿👄🧿 y'all need to step up ur game 3 months ago:
Your request has been entered into the queue. You will receive an update when its current status changes.
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 3 months ago:
Oh yeah? ~reaches for feathered Tricorn~
You don’t say? ~shifts buckaneer coat across shoulders~
No, you don’t mean that? ~straps on pistol/saber belt~
Why would you say such a thing ya daft cunt ? ~quote by nearby African Grey Parrot~
- Comment on Pee posting? 3 months ago:
I kinda figured it was a newer addition to the sign up reqs. I asked a few friends and none of them had to do that.
- Comment on Pee posting? 3 months ago:
Ahem, memememememeeeeee
/clears throat
You Sir, are also a Cuck.
- Comment on Elon Musk Stormed Into the Tesla Office Furious That Autopilot Tried to Kill Him 3 months ago:
Trust the process.
The man is a tragic waste of functioning organs. And it would be really really funny if one of his own jank ass “smart cars” ends up ending him.
- Comment on Pee posting? 3 months ago:
I installed it like a year ago out of boredom. And it wouldn’t let me make a new account unless the app could sync all my contacts.
So I uninstalled it and haven’t looked back.
- Comment on Pee posting? 3 months ago:
Cuck behavior. You, not the censorship.
Use your imagination bish.