- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
It doesn’t exactly unsettle me, but pondering the mind-boggling scale of celestial bodies and the cosmos can certainly be… humbling, I guess?
I had a co-worker a while back who couldn’t talk about the great scale of the universe cause he’d get freaked out. It didn’t come up much, but when it did, he’d be like, “Please stop, it’s stressing me out” so we’d change the subject.
- Comment on blocklist for AI music on youtube. 3 weeks ago:
I’m a big fan of this one:
“Somebody that I used to Know” by Linking Park
I’m sad to see that the original got taken down, but someone reuploaded it here.
- Comment on If I’m mostly attracted to men, is it «wrong» to consider myself pan? 4 weeks ago:
Based on your description, “pan” seems appropriate. I don’t think ratios really matter when it comes to this kind of terminology. You appear to be, to varying degrees, attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 4 weeks ago:
Much appreciated! I’ll give it a read.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 4 weeks ago:
When those memories come up, choose a different response. Laugh at yourself. Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
Any recommended reading on this topic? Choosing a different response when these memories come up is really difficult for me, personally. Even when I acknowledge that I’ve grown as a person since then, the memories themselves still just feel jarringly awful.
- Comment on It's that time of year again 2 months ago:
I resolved to get back in shape last year after sitting on my ass for a good long while. Happy to say I’ve stuck to it and am in the best shape of my life at the moment (at least strength-wise; my cardio is still trash lol).
For anyone else looking to hit the weights, I started with a simple 5x5 workout. I didn’t bother downloading any apps or anything; I just keep a simple .txt file on my PC tracking my progress. Personally I’m not a fan of how hard the Stronglifts website tries to sell users an app and spreadsheets and such, but their guides are useful.
And I love Dr. Mike’s channel. He’s been consistently helpful ever since I started hitting the weights again. Gives great advice in my experience; super knowledgeable guy.
- Comment on FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat 2 months ago:
Regulations virtually always lag years behind technology, don’t they? In the interim period with absolutely no regulations, we must take it upon ourselves to protect ourselves and loved ones from being exploited.
Given just how wealthy the AI bubble is making some people, we may not see any common sense regulation for quite some time. Best to adapt to that reality imo. Gonna tell my friends and family to call me by my hacker alias, “X360N0_sc0peX” on the phone or I’ll assume they’re a bot.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
It’s interesting to see some of the back-and-forth on this topic between different proponents of free software.
I listened to this talk by Linus Torvalds a while back and it relates to the GPL license used by the Linux kernel and why the kernel hasn’t changed to GPLv3. Apparently Linus doesn’t find this practice by Tivo and other hardware manufacturers to be an issue.
- Comment on Jewel Beetles 3 months ago:
- Comment on Mellencamp was right: "Life goes on...long after the thrill of livin' is gone." 4 months ago:
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
- Comment on PS5's 'Resume Activity' Feature Apparently Gone for Good - PlayStation LifeStyle 4 months ago:
You may be entitled to compensation!
- Comment on The Beginning of the End 4 months ago:
- Comment on Is it fair to ask individuals to make significant changes to their lifestyles to combat climate change?" 5 months ago:
Is it “fair”? I’d say no, but the world isn’t a fair place. Enormous, unscrupulous corporations are to blame for the untenable situation we collectively find ourselves in. And those corporations aren’t going to be rectifying their behavior any time soon unless forced to.
That being said, asking individuals to take steps to reduce climate change isn’t an unreasonable thing in my eyes. Because, until corporations are held accountable, asking individuals is the only thing that can possibly improve the situation. Even though it’s like throwing a cup of water on a forest fire.
The second that Amazon, Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Coke, Pepsi, et al are forced to do their part, I will start throwing my trash out the window again like a proper American. Until then, I’m gonna recycle and encourage my friends and family to do so as well.
- Comment on What happened with active users on Lemmy? 5 months ago:
Well, that was fast, lol.
- Comment on What happened with active users on Lemmy? 5 months ago:
We need to dive in and tell us how these numbers work!
- Comment on Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props 5 months ago:
Thanks a lot! I’ll look into the upgrades you mentioned and try my luck. Here’s hoping I can get it back up and running without too much work
- Comment on Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props 5 months ago:
Thanks a bunch; I’ll check out the PEI coated build plate.
I’ve contemplated getting the BLTouch probe for auto-leveling, but I don’t think bed leveling is the root of the issue; I’ve leveled the darn thing about a thousand times by now
- Comment on Ender-3 V3 Plus for cosplay props 5 months ago:
Agreed on the Ender 3’s needing some tinkering. My wife got me the Ender 3 V2 a couple of years ago for Christmas and I like it a lot, but I spend more time troubleshooting it than actually printing stuff.
I like to tinker, but the Ender 3 V2 takes advantage of that fact.
Any recommendations on part upgrades? I’ve upgraded the nozzle and the extruder on mine (the stock, plastic extruder cracked badly last year and I replaced it with a full metal one), but it is still very unreliable. Prints are always failing due to adhesion issues even if I use aftermarket adhesives like MagiGoo on the build plate.
- Comment on Bluetooth 6.0 adds centimeter-level accuracy for device tracking — upgraded version also improves device pairing 5 months ago:
Depends on the particular device. LDAC has been around for years and supports higher bitrates than mp3s (assuming we’re putting 320kbps mp3s in the “higher quality” category)
- Comment on xkcd #2979: Sky Alarm 5 months ago:
Relevant to this idea, I use these apps to let me know when things like the International Space Station, meteor showers, aurorae, etc are visible overhead:
Would be neat if there were one unified app to track them all and send notifications
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
I don’t think Reddit-for-nerds (Lemmy) is that great of a place to ask this.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
I’m no expert on automobiles, but that truck would need to be 40+ years old to have no computers onboard. It doesn’t look that old to me, though maybe he just kept it in good shape.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
(They’re created with computer too.) I’ve got bad news for him regarding how modern pickup trucks work.
- Comment on *doing my best google impression* Did you mean: turn in up? 7 months ago:
Does anyone else hate Nickelback, Coldplay, Justin Bieber, Billie Eilish, and Maroon 5? Upvotes to the left