- Comment on XPipe - A connection hub for all your servers: Status update for the v15 release 14 hours ago:
There’s This thing called a purchase
- Comment on New superconducting quantum processor outpaces world’s fastest supercomputer by quadrillions 5 days ago:
And only on roads made of short cake
- Comment on DeepMind CEO Says AGI Definition Has Been ‘Watered Down’ 1 week ago:
Of course it has. When progress slows, goal posts get shifted to satisfy share holders
- Comment on Audiblez v4.0 is out: Generate Audiobooks from Ebooks 3 weeks ago:
Too Bad there’s no German voice
- Comment on Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series 2 months ago:
Their games are high quality at launch, fun for years of replayability,
you mean all the WiiU titles you still have to play and pay release price for because they can’t be arsed to release anything new, or all the remakes, or the Pokémon games that look and play like a turd despite being the most valuable IP in the world?
and the hardware is really reliable
The Switch Hardware is notoriously unreliable. They even had a class action lawsuit because of it
- Comment on YouTube is a hit on TVs — and is starting to act like it 2 months ago:
Can you log in there?
- Comment on Serving my media library to my TV (local network only), i need suggestions 2 months ago:
pretty UI
- Comment on AI-generated poetry is indistinguishable from human-written poetry and is rated more favorably - Scientific Reports 3 months ago:
I feel like a ‘go’ in front of “suck it” would help the flow
- Comment on Has anyone successfully self-hosted Firefox Sync? 3 months ago:
Yeah, the new one was seemingly always just shy of being ready to use
- Comment on Has anyone successfully self-hosted Firefox Sync? 3 months ago:
That why I said ‘easily’, there’s no ready to go solution you could just plop into a compose file
- Comment on Has anyone successfully self-hosted Firefox Sync? 3 months ago:
As far as I know from my own attempt, you can’t easily self host the accounts part, only the syncserver
- Comment on Microsoft reports big profits amid massive AI investments 4 months ago:
Better lay off another thousand people, just for good measure
- Comment on The dead end of chips: Manufacturing semiconductors consumes as much energy as entire countries 4 months ago:
In contrast to stuff like AI training or crypto, chips at least fulfill an actually useful function, so I don’t see the issue with their manufacturing consuming a lot of energy. Or should we compare the same for cars or medicine?
- Comment on Crunchyroll just Committed a Federal Crime. 4 months ago:
Firefox picture in picture say, “huh?”
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 4 months ago:
Chinas problem was also a still very uneducated and traditionalist populace, that insisted on having boys as heirs. Leading to abortions or straight up murder of female infants. That wouldn’t really be a global issue I beleive
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $79m, despite devastating year for layoffs: 2550 jobs lost in 2024 4 months ago:
It’s clearly you
- Comment on Has SpaceX Done Anything NASA Hasn't? 4 months ago:
I’d put building cathedrals and pyramids more on slaves than worship of deity Neither where build by slaves.
- Comment on Three Mile Island owner seeks $1.6 billion federal loan to restart nuclear plant for Microsoft AI facility 5 months ago:
when the huge demand for AI dies down, then
maybe they’ll keep the plant around and provide power to the grid.they’ll abandon it to cut costs leaving the government to mop up after them as they always doFTFY
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 5 months ago:
You know you can pay proton with cash, right? No need to go all shady
- Comment on which VPS do you recommend? 5 months ago:
They have servers in different countries as well
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
No, this only hides it visually, you still run into the issue of content being hidden behind it. I now use bartender which allows me to at least put the tray icons in a dropdown that opens below the nodge.
But the fact this is necessary speaks volumes about Apples care for user experience
- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
And I hate every second of it on my work macbook. How one could think cutting out the middle from the space that has to house your applications menu(IntelliJs is huge for example) and your tray icons, which can be quite a lot too, and then not have a function to keep either of them from just disappearing behind that cutout is asinine.
No No, I didn’t need thos menu items anyway…
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
One can hope
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Honestly, if there was a remotely reasonably priced premium version of just youtube, no music or movies or whatever they try to shove down your throat nowadays, I would pay for that. But instead they rather price hike and make the ads more intrusive.
- Comment on Tandem OLED is OLED’s latest weapon in holding off MicroLED, QDEL 5 months ago:
And here I thought it’s main weapon was that MicroLEDs are still nowhere near consumer markets
- Comment on How breaking up Google could lower your online shopping bill | A DOJ win in Google's ad tech monopoly trial could benefit everyone, experts say 5 months ago:
could benefit everyone
It’s almost like monopolies are a bad thing
- Comment on Freetube is the best way to watch YouTube 6 months ago:
Because outside of the EU all browsers are just safari cosplaying. Inside EU at least Firefox is still just safari
- Comment on FAA grounds SpaceX after rocket falls over in flames. 6 months ago:
Not for coming down
- Comment on Apple splits App Store team in two, introduces new leadership 6 months ago:
Nice idea. That would in theory, assuming it’s optional, allow for screening of an app by apple prior to installing, to thwart malicious repositories.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
Lol, thanks. I would’ve moved on still thinking it was in favor of HO