- Comment on Eggs sure have gotten cheap! Oh they haven't?...well I'm sure Trump is doing EVERYTHING he can 2 days ago:
I mean, that only proves that those trans people are sneaking into bathrooms. We all know that the deep state dedicates a substantial amount of resources to make sure trans women get to piss in the sinks in women bathrooms. That’s why they make them so good at sports, so they can ninja their way to the most purests of sinks. And the eggs are expensive because the deep state loans the money for transing kids from the Big Egg. Why did you think those trans people call cis people eggs? They’re going to eat us. And piss in our sinks.
- Comment on Please be patient. 3 months ago:
don’t worry guys I’m keeping track of it it’s moving very fast but oh fuck sorry guys my bad
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
I’m Polish and believe me when I say that I would also prefer Germany to learn different lessons from those your government claims to follow. The very idea that what nazis did wrong was targeting Jews instead of creating authoritarian stratified far right society that eventualy decided to displace and genocide people based on somewhat loosely described traits is not only a gross and dumb oversimplification, it’s gross and end evil to even propose. Fascism fits the class interests of the rich and powerfull of today just as much, if not more, as it did a century ago. Germany government siding with Israel in favour of the genocide they’re commiting is not just for show, they’re very happy that defending genocide became a position close to political center. In my opinion, that is.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
Yeah well Germany does seem a bit anxious for some reason when someone mentions Israel and genocide in one sentence, but if anyone in the world should have any reasons to be unreasonably pro-Israel, that would be them. And even then, their performative support pales in comparison to USA. IDF literally murdered USA citizens and USA congratulated them for that. That takes real dedication to the cause!
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
I don’t think that’s really the case though? I’m pretty sure most nations condemned Israel except for USA, but USA blocked all attempts from anyone to do anything. And when USA says that commiting genocide with their weapons is on the table, I doubt any country wishes to find out what would happen should any concrete action against Israel be taken. It’s a big part of the reason why everyone calls USA complicit in genocide of Palestinians.
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
I was ready for lizard people but bug people is where I draw the line.
- Comment on Twitter 6 months ago:
Didn’t they? I thought they released the second one a bit later
- Comment on Kids 6 months ago:
you seem angry
- Comment on Hermit Crab Housing Market 6 months ago:
I’ve had a gallon of PCP if that counts though
- Comment on Hermit Crab Housing Market 6 months ago:
They eat some of their weak. On the other hand, show me a hermit crab billionaire. I think they have something good going there, let them cook.
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
Capitalisms’ unsustainable model of infinite growth requires something like imperialism to keep going, and even if you could point out alternative venues for capital acquisition, it’s still what people in power want, since it gives them more than just fuel for capitalism, but also more power. Countries and companies that do not rely on imperialism directly, most often rely in others that do. While it’s not entirely futile to discuss whenever that has to be the case in theorethical capitalist solution, it is the case in one we’re living under, and since it’s the ruling class of hyper-wealthy that make decisions about the worlds future and current state of affairs is result of those decisions, it is the system we have to deal with. Unless, you know, we bring out the guilottines and start over, but I don’t see much point in retrying capitalism to see if it won’t lead us down on the path to facism again.