- Comment on Two decades after Enron’s bankruptcy, the company is back as a crypto firm? 2 weeks ago:
Crypto is one of the only businesses where use of the Enron name could conceivably improve their reputation.
- Comment on San Francisco tech company Forward, once worth $1B, abruptly shuts down 2 months ago:
Why would they use real doctors at all?
- Comment on Kroger’s plans to roll out facial recognition at its grocery stores is attracting criticism from lawmakers, who warn it could lead to surge pricing and put customers’ personal data at risk 2 months ago:
This is a privacy intrusion that should be banned nationally.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 2 months ago:
And some subreddits have fascist mods who arbitrarily ban anyone who’s not a alt-right or worse.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 3 months ago:
Interoperability is a big job, but the extent to which it matters varies widely according to the use case. There are layers of standards atop other standards, some new, some near deprecation. There are some extremely large and complex datasets that need a shit-ton of metadata to decipher or even extract. Some more modern dataset standards have that metadata baked into the file, but even then there are corner cases. And the standards for zero-trust security enclaves, discoverability, non-repudiation, attribution, multidimensional queries, notification and alerting, pub/sub are all relatively new, so we occasionally encounter operational situations that the standards authors didn’t anticipate.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 3 months ago:
TripAdvisor has better content. Too many Google reviews give a business 1 star because the review author was too stupid to check working hours, or has some incredibly rare digestive condition that they didn’t bother to communicate to the eatery before ordering. Or they expect their Basque waiter to speak fluent Latvian, or to accommodate a walk-in party of 20.
- Comment on [Cory Doctorow] With An Audacious Plan To Halt The Internet’s Enshittification And Throw It Into Reverse 3 months ago:
Isn’t yelp a pretty easily replaceable thing?
Yelp is at this stage a completely worthless thing. The only thing they were originally was an aggregator of semi-literate reviews, and a shakedown racket against businesses that pissed off some Karen
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
is all but guaranteed to be possible
It’s more correct to say it “is not provably impossible.”
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
Someone, somewhere along the line, almost certainly coded
rate(2025) = 2*rate(2024)
. And someone approved that going into production. - Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
If they aren’t liable for what their product does, who is?
The users who claim it’s fit for the purpose they are using it for. Now if the manufacturers themselves are making dodgy claims, that should stick to them too.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
If a self-driving car kills someone, the programming of the car is at least partially to blame
No, it is not. It is the use to which the system has been put that is the point at which blame can be assigned. That is what should be verified and validated. That’s where some person is signing on the dotted line that the system is fit for use for that particular purpose.
I can write a simplistic algorithm to guide a toy drone autonomously. So let’s say I GPL it. If an airplane manufacturer then drops that code into an airliner, and fail to test it correctly in scenarios resembling real=life use of that plane, they’re the ones who fucked up, not me.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
No liability should apply while coding. When that code is deployed for use, there should be liability if it is unfit for its intended use. If your AI falsely denies my insurance claim, your ass should be on the line.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
Yeah, all these systems do is worsen the already bad signal/noise ratio in online discourse.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
Unless there is a huge disclaimer before every interaction saying “THIS SYSTEM OUTPUTS BOLLOCKS!” then it’s not good enough. And any commercial enterprise that represents any AI-generated customer interaction as factual or correct should be held legally accountable for making that claim.
There are probably already cases where AI is being used for life-and-limb decisions, probably with a do-nothing human rubber stamp in the loop to give plausible deniability. People will be maimed and killed by these decisions.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
I’m no AI fanboy, but what you just described was the feedback cycle during training.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 3 months ago:
A more correct term is constrained randomness. You’re still looking at probability distribution functions, but they’re more complex than just a throw of the dice.
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 3 months ago:
My dad’s '57 Cadillac Fleetwood had that too. Big-ass electric eye on the dashboard. So it’s not exactly bleeding-edge technology.
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 3 months ago:
Yeah, color temp should be regulated as well as lumens and directionality.
- Comment on Flaw in Kia’s web portal let researchers track, hack cars 3 months ago:
2FA where one of the factors is Bluetooth to the fob might be OK.
- Comment on Flaw in Kia’s web portal let researchers track, hack cars 3 months ago:
It’s not a thing a car should require, and even for nice-to-have value-add features, it should be tightly secured, not only from external access but from the manufacturer.
- Comment on Flaw in Kia’s web portal let researchers track, hack cars 3 months ago:
The comical part was that anyone could go through a completely vanilla registration workflow and become a registered dealer. What the hell were they thinking?
- Comment on Microsoft's CEO for Israel to Appear at Event Celebrating Israeli Military AI 3 months ago:
You don’t have to care about AI safety when you’re unconcerned over civilian casualties and false positives.
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 3 months ago:
From a UX perspective, those things are cancer.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 3 months ago:
And I’m behind four firewalls!
Which also has nothing to do with what’s being discussed.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 3 months ago:
I got an earlier variant purporting to be from a friend who was stuck in London, had their wallet stolen, and needed cash wired to them so they could get home. That was remotely plausible based on my friend’s recent travels. I replied asking them to tell me where and when we first met and what we did the following day. They tried going back to reciting their story but I wouldn’t move until I knew it was really them. Fucking scum. They should be made to drink cold hotdog water that Satan’s hemorrhoids have been soaking in.
Another verification that works is “I’ll call you, let’s talk. What number can I reach you on?” They’ll usually drop contact at that point.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 3 months ago:
Nothing deep about it.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 3 months ago:
It’s really not a hard screening algorithm: do I know this person, or have I done business with this company? OK, does the URL check out? Then I’ll respond to that person’s email or go log into that company’s website, not using a link from the message I received. Otherwise, it’s spam.
Also, there are no pictures of my dick online, or of me having sex. Anyone claiming otherwise doesn’t know me. Nice and easy.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 3 months ago:
I’m sure, for a price, someone could set you up with a placebo stick shift.
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 3 months ago:
Accuracy, consistency, explainability.
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 3 months ago: