- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Indeed, that’s why i hate it that so many people here are raging about this while it’s something both sides are doing…
I get all the Trump & conservatives hate, but sometimes this community is raging over something that’s just done by both sides… So being outraged about it is pretty hypocritical…
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Is indeed a fine example. Keeps raising the same questions: is it ok to rewrite books? We’re supposed to be outraged when maga does it, but it’s ok if we do it?
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
And that also bothers me about threads like this… both sides in the USA seem to be guilty of this, so to now call it propaganda & nazism when the right is doing it… It’s of course true, but the left wing is doing the exact same, so you can’t really be that outraged… You’re both doing the same thing :s
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Ah yeah, going for the insult rather than engaging with a difficult talking point…
I for sure hate trans people when i say it’s hypocritical to complain about the right wing changing books to fit what they view as correct, when the left wing is doing the exact same (strange… my point isn’t even about trans people it seems… how peculiar).
I haven’t even said that i have a problem with more gender neutral language, i just gave it as en example of what it’s about since the parent post was all about hate speech, (and there was some issue with that too in his childrens books, but afaik hardly any).
And i focused on that because OP made it sound as if just hate speech was being targetted, not rewriting old works to fit very left wing desires about how gender is mentioned.
But the question remains: if the right does it, it’s Nazism, when the left does it, it’s… <???>
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
I have honestly no clue what you’re trying to say???
If you read the wiki page i linked, it’s about changing his books after his death, so not things about when he was still alive? Is also not about a ban? Did you even read the wiki? It literally starts with "Puffin Books, the children’s imprint of the British publisher Penguin Books, expurgated various works by British author Roald Dahl in 2023, sparking controversy. "
And you’re talking about hate against races, but the wiki talks about removing the word queer (which used to just be a synonym for strange), removing all kinds of gendered language (not sons & daughters, but children, etc…). So rewriting the books to fit your narrative.
My argumentation is simple: the right wing can’t change books, but the leftwing can? Both sides seem to be trying to rewrite history, that’s all. Whether what’s in the books is acceptable or not, who cares. If the book is no longer appropriate, don’t read it but complaining about the other side rewriting books seems hypocritical. That’s all. You can just not recommend books to readers and suggest more modern alternatives that are more appropriate, or read the old works taking in mind the era they were written in.
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Honest question, how is this different from the left doing the same? Take this for example: en.wikipedia.org/…/Roald_Dahl_revision_controvers…
As an outsider, it seems the USA is currently in a culture war, and neither side minds burning & changing the books they deem offensive?
I’m all for the Trump hate, what’s happening there is insane, but the American left wing being bothered by books being changed seems pretty hypocritical seeing recent events…
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 2 weeks ago:
You’re confusing UX with UI. UX = user experience, the entire experience, UI = the interface. UX is the entire user experience, and for example for joining reddit, you go to reddit.com and join. For lemmy you learn there are dozens of large instances, with intricate politics between them and if you join the wrong one everyone thinks you’re a tankie…
That’s terrible and i can imagine people are put off by it.
The interface of lemmy itself is indeed ok, and is close to old reddit, which at least the people here prefer.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Then you’re on purpose just not reading my argument, and you’re avoiding replying to any of the points i make.
Thanks for the tiny bit of genuine discussion, and have fun trolling other people.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
So his own company is his sponsor (the company that existed long before he had any meaningful amount of viewers, and that has a good reputation because he does good work)
And his current employer is also his “sponsor”.
You might want to look up what the word sponsor means.
And even if you had a point (which you don’t), you’re still refusing to answer why MKB is ok for you while any incentive you say is bad for Louis is amplified by 100 for MKB, yet there all is fine… so odd…
I was reallly hoping you would actually engage in an honest discussion, because if you actually could make a case for Louis being toxicly negative, i’d love to hear it, and i think he would also love to hear about how & why and try to improve on that. His goal has always been to empower his viewers, if he’s doing the opposite, i’m sure he’ll do his best to change that. Similarly to the other points we could discuss.
But you seem to be intent on just trolling and refusing to answer… so the dialogue ends here i guess… Thanks for at least trying to make one or two points, it’s always interesting to see other opinions :).
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Ok, name his sponsors… i’ll wait…
He makes videos on youtube to empower his viewers and because he feels he has messages that are important to be heard. You know… there are still genuine people out there that do things not for profit.
and again, everything you’re saying is even waaaaay more true for MKB, so why does he get a pass?
You’ve got one more chance to actually adress the arguments, if not, i can only assume you’re a troll.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Bit it obviously isn’t how he makes his money. He used to make his money with his repair shop, now futo is paying him to do right to repair/open software advocacy. Youtube pays jack shit for the amount of views he gets, and he never took sponsors, so youtube was never the way he earned his money. He gets some money from it, but would absolutely love it if everyone watched him on odyssey or any other platform that isn’t youtube and that doesn’t pay him anything.
And yeah, there is truth to ragebait working well in algorithms. But you’re making a claim that’s plain false: he has economic incentives, and you’re avoiding a few more:
- You claim he’s got financial incentives to do all the ragebaiting. He regularly mentions his finances don’t depend on youtube, never have, it’s probably a fun extra for him, but it’s never been what makes the money for him.
- You seem to prefer MKB, because he’s positive. But his income does depend on youtube, and he’s heavily sponsored by the brands he reviews. So somehow because he’s positive all the things you claim are an issue for Louis Rossmann aren’t an issue for MKB??
- Your algorithm claim: you claim the algorithm favors his kind of content, but his channel is far smaller than the less critical techchannels such as MKB and LTT that take all the sponsor money and say all is fine. So it seems the algorithm favors that even more?
And you name his negativity toxic, why? He’s addressing actual shit that is happening all around us and can get you into serious issues in the future. Your car manufacturer selling your data to your insurance can have a serious impact on your life. Manufacturers suing customers that leave a bad review can seriously ruin your life, … But at the same time he always tries to use this criticism to empower the viewer to make better choices, to teach you how to avoid such issues, and how you can make a difference. Just this week he made a video regarding doing business in an ethical way, that’s like the least toxic video possible, his message is always: bad shit is happening, here’s how to spot it, here’s how to make a difference, and not “all is lost, you may now despair because there’s nothing you can do about it”
Your arguments are imo very biased, and simply don’t show the truth. I know the kind of youtubers you mean, and there are plenty, but putting people like Rossmann in that basket is just insane. He actively tries to make the world a better places. Makes incredible videos on how you can be part of the change, has for over a decade done everything to empower his viewers and customers, and you’re all like “he’s just a toxic negative youtuber that does it for money”.
And one follow up question: can positivity be toxic? Can the likes of MKB & LTT just sweep all the stuff that’s happening under the rug, take huge payouts to make the viewer look the other way, and just slowly let everything enshittification take its course and make everything worse for the consumer until someday we wake up and wonder where it all went wrong and why we didn’t see it coming? That’s what it feels like for me when i watch those channels “all is fine, don’t look into the closet full of skeletons please”.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Whenever i see channels like MKB & LTT, for me it’s fun for a few videos. They sure can be a bit critical at times, but in general, they’re obviously paid by a lot of sponsor money, and can’t be truly critical often, and will never address controversy. They’ll also just copy al lot of the marketing claims verbatim, barely testing them, and just mostly appeal on emotion, making sure presentation is top notch, etc… But it’s all pretty shallow imo, and it’s intended as such.
And there are thousands of people like louis rossman? How many of them actually take political action? Show up in front of legislators and actually try to change things? Gather funds to create an app like grayjay to fight the big monopolies? How many made a huge wiki documenting to insane detail how to do self hosting? Make a videod on how to ethically do business? etc… etc… etc…
I know the kind of youtubers you mean, watched a bit of yongyea for a while, he’ll just find any controversy to complain about, and that’s it. He’ll never be a catalyst for change. He’ll also just latch on to whatever is already happening, rarely he’ll be the source of the news.
But lumping in Louis Rossmann with such youtubers… Then you really haven’t watched his channel. He’ll of course regularly jump on the bandwagon, when some controversy is happening that aligns with his message. But also regularly he’ll be the first addressing certain issues, people also know to contact him, but also from his daily life, seeing what’s happening. He’s also actually trying to change what he sees. Not just get popularity by complaining, but doing something about it. He also makes insightful videos.
And regarding no longer making repair videos… he’s so often complaining about manufacturers making a lot of repairs near impossible, and working against it at every turn… Things are made less repairable, What use is there to make videos on how to repair your apple phone when you can’t get repair parts, and if you could you couldn’t get them to work since you don’t have the software to authorize them on your phone…
It can indeed be depressing to watch Rossmann, but sadly enough, his pessimism just makes sense. You can sometimes not entirely agree with him, but bad shit is happening, and it’s only getting worse. It used to be “when the product is free, you are the product”. Now it is “when (even the very expensive) product is cloud connected, you are the product”. 5000$ tv that sends your data to advertisers? Your car sending your data to insurers, etc… etc… etc…
If according to you he’s just a serial complainer, feel free to make your case, i don’t always agree with him, but i’ve got insane respect for him. He ended up seeing what big tech is doing, and he’s the first to suffer the consequences, and he’s actually putting his time, money & effort where his mouth is and doing something about it. He also from time to time makes really insightful videos, and yes, he complains a lot… sadly enough there does seem to be a lot to complain about, and it’s actually stuff that really matters…
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
You’re missing one key difference:
MKB is getting the big money for just mindelessly repeating whatever big tech wants the audience to hear, Louis is somehow financially surviving despite not having any sponsors for obvious reasons (and not wanting them either for integrity reasons).
And saying louis rossmann is about self promotion… I’ve lost count how often he’s openly wondering in videos why people are still watching his crap. He’s happy he can do what he’s doing, and he can make the difference he’s making, but to say he’s in the business of self promoting… i guess as a youtuber, you always are in some way, but he’d be happy if he’d run out of content and have nothing to complain about, and could do actual repairs that then aren’t being blocked by stupid companies. I doubt MKB would be happy when he’d no longer be an influencer.
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
But if honey is cultivated in a way that’s better for the bees than other sources of sugar, wouldn’t using honey be more logical for vegans?
- Comment on Honey 4 months ago:
I’d say the issue is that if honey isn’t vegan because you’re causing harm to bees, isn’t most of modern vegetable agriculture at least equally harmful to bees & other insects due to all the pesticides being used?
Or is it just if we directly involve bees, it’s bad, but if we inflict greater harm in a less direct way, it’s acceptable?
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
It’s fascinating which angle you’ll take on next :).
Keep trying :)
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
It’s fascinating which angle you’ll take on next :).
Keep trying :)
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
It’s fascinating which angle you’ll take on next :).
Keep trying :)
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
It’s fascinating which angle you’ll take on next :).
Keep trying :)
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Keep going, might end up having to write a little script to automate keeping you busy :).
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Ah yes, now i’m thinking about you all day XD. It’s totally not me coming onto lemmy, seeing i got a notification and seeing you going another round of embarassing yourself :). But keep it up :). This is funny to see :). You’re persistent for sure :).
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
roflmao XD
You projecting you being upset onto me being upset XD. Yeah, i called you out, and now you’re trying every troll trick you know to weasel out of it and get the last word :).
And if you like being wrong and want to keep proving to me how wrong and childish you are, sounds like a great time :). Keep replying and keep trying all those troll tricks to not feel like you lost a discussion on the internet, i’m sure it’s worth it XD.
I must admit this has become somewhat amusing for me too, seeing which argument you’ll try this time to somewhat save face :).
- Comment on Rabbit data breach: all r1 responses ever given can be downloaded 8 months ago:
It was indeed a very short flash not long ago :).
And i’m not at al interested in those products either, but they were hard to miss when that flash happened >_<.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Yeah, i’ve for sure become hostile after you attacking me because i dared to talk about something you didn’t find interesting on a public forum…
Dude, take the loss and stop talking. There is no both sides to this, you were an asshole to me for no reason and now want to keep talking to evade the shame of having been wrong. I’m sorry, you were wrong. Learn from it and let it go.
- Comment on Rabbit data breach: all r1 responses ever given can be downloaded 8 months ago:
He just means it’s been all over the tech internet lately, and he has a point.
of course not everyone knows everything, but this and the humane AI pin have been featured everywhere as they’re the first companies bringing llm focused AI products to market, and are generating a lot of hype, get a lot of critical articles, and a lot of youtube videos & investigations regarding them.
Not hearing about the Rabbit R1 when you followed tech news the past month was harder than playing whamagheddon during christmas time. So i get his surprise, and i don’t think his reply was mean spirited, it was hard to avoid hearing about it.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
[citation needed]
But yeah, that’s the kind of discussion i’d love to see in more depth :). When would an AI be considered intelligent? It used to be passing the turing test, but now that’s being achieved the goalposts are moving, and that’s maybe for a good reason, but what will be the actual measure :).
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Dude, just stop. You’re looking for things that aren’t there. Period.
I find it an interesting question whether it’s intelligent or not, and find it sad people throw out that question together with the rest of the hype. It’s not “my favourite word”, and i’m not projecting my hostility. You just can’t seem to handle someone bringing any bit of nuance to a discussion…
And me projecting hostility XD. yeahhhh… introspection isn’t one of your gifts it seems XD. I’m the one being hostile XD. roflmao XD. I mean just here “your favorite word”… wtf dude, exaggerate much to make yet another pointless jab at me?? I’m not allowed to find this an interesting question without you painting me as someone who fixates on that one thing in the world and makes it sound as if my world revolves around “AI IS INTELLIGENT!!!”… I’m not even convinced it is, but i find it a mighty interesting question that requires more thought than it’s getting.
Sorry for trying to argue something i find interesting on lemmy. I’ll just shut up next time and not try to bring up points you might not find interesting since you seem to take that as a personal offence, while you could have just shut up and let the adults have a nice conversation on the one interesting part of this hype.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Do you always change the topic to try and “win” online discussions? And act so unnecessarily hostile for no reason at all to people who want to have interesting online discussions?
I find the topic of whether it’s intelligence the most interesting part of this. It raises a lot of questions. That the current hype is ridiculous that a lot of the energy expended on it is a complete waste, and that most of the ways AI is used is beyond stupid isn’t even worth talking about, that’s just plain obvious.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
That for sure is a problem with all modern bullshit technologies they want to hype in order to get people to use/buy it.
Look at smart tv’s… everyone assumes they’re awesome since they’re smart tv’s, that’s of course better than a regular tv. They’ll of course never mention that this just means that it’s a tv with a 100$ android box embedded that they’ll abuse to try to serve you extra ads, that they’ll not bother to update so your tv becomes obsolete in a couple of years, and that you can achieve the same thing by just buying the android box sepearately and connect that to a regular tv, which won’t make your entire tv become obsolete when the cheap android box doesn’t get updated anymore…
So yeah, i can imagine you have an issue with it being marked as (competent) AI.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Lol, wtf XD
“That doesnt change anything about the current situation even if thats true though.”
Yeah, i assumed me writing “I agree with most of your points” conveyed that. Do you always imagine random things to attack instead of just reading what people actually write?
wtf O_o
I just don’t like people being like “but it’s not real intelligence” while we don’t even know what intelligence is, and we’re thus avoiding the one part of this stupid hype that could be interesting:: philosophical questions about our own intelligence/humanity/…