- Comment on Driver caught doing 122mph on 30mph road as UK’s shocking speed records revealed 2 weeks ago:
The data here is simply the maximum recorded speed, which includes a bunch of edge-cases and one-time events, and is not a mean speed value. Even a stock corolla can hit 200km/h given 1km of straight road to wind up on.
- Comment on If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it? 5 months ago:
The trick is to justify buying one for your business, and then using it yourself after hours.
As a business asset, it has paid for itself fivefold in less than a year. As an employee of said business, i have unlimited access to a machine that I could never personally justify the expense of.
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 6 months ago:
Is your game completely offline, or does it have automatic updates pushed via steam or similar? If a background game update changed an api call or two in the way it handles graphics, its possible that your current graphics drivers dont support the new implementation.
An ideal system would do a version check for what is installed on your system and recommend a gfx driver update before pulling down such a game update, but our world is far from ideal.
- Comment on The first GPT-4-class AI model anyone can download has arrived: Llama 405B 7 months ago:
Hmm, I probably have that much distributed across my network… maybe I should look into some way of distributing it across multiple gpu
- Comment on Meatly Receives UK Approval for Cultivated Meat in Pet Food 7 months ago:
The flip side to this, is that the vast majority of meat in pet foods is effectively waste from human-grade meats, for the same reason. That means the price point for competition in pet foods is significantly lower.
It also means that there won’t be as direct of an impact on livestock numbers should pet food be sourced via synthetic meats, as it just means the byproducts which would enter the food chain for dogs instead become waste products with a cost of disposal.
- Comment on Can the SATA-to-USB adapter affect the result of the bad sectors scan? 8 months ago:
smartmontools has some good functionality for interfacing with SMART via usb bridges that do not provide native functionality.
- Comment on Favourite patient modern game? 8 months ago:
I just wish it was multithreaded so that i could maintain a colony for more than a week without slowing to potato speeds.
My n00b theory on it, with the proviso that I am not a developer and only have a basic understanding of multithreading, is that you would break up the map into regions, and have each regions pawns and environment handled independently by separate threads/cores while one master thread handled interactions between regions and kept them all in sync.
Regions could dynamically scale depending on how computationally intensive they are, such that when the master/watchdog thread has to wait for one thread significantly longer than any of it’s adjacent region threads, it remaps the boundary iteratively until it acheives minimal wait-time and the load is evenly balanced.
As it stands, I’ve got one core maxed out and the game running slower than realtime while my 15 other cores sit at idle like suckers.
- Comment on non vegan pizza time 8 months ago:
Nobody likes the practice, the difference is that vegans take a moral stand and choose not to contribute to it, while meat eaters shrug it off and continue to pay the people committing those acts, because they’d rather cows get anally fisted and forcibly impregnated than drink a milk with a different flavour.
- Comment on Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail 9 months ago:
Swappable batteries resolve this issue pretty well. The energy density is far from comparable, but if you’re already hauling a van or trailer to the job site, then a dozen spare batteries isn’t an issue.
- Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months ago:
Are you sure you’re not confusing this with the concept of “binning”, which is a pretty standard practice for chips?
You manufacture to a single spec, expecting there to be defects, then you identify the defective units, group them by their maximum usability and sell the “defective” units as lower end chips. IE, everything with 24-31 functional cores gets the “extra” cores disabled and shipped as a 24 core, everything with 16-23 functional cores gets shipped as a 16 core, etc
- Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 10 months ago:
People are still using windows?
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 10 months ago:
Related question. Why are north American hydrants all of the “stick up out of the ground as a permanent fixture” type, rather than the more discreet and less likely to be damaged “pipe fitting concealed beneath a removable plate” type?
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 11 months ago:
Best I can do is a one time payment of $3000