- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 5 days ago:
I represent myself in all my cases :)
- Comment on Judges Are Fed up With Lawyers Using AI That Hallucinate Court Cases 5 days ago:
Great news for defendants though. I hope at my next trial I look over at the prosecutor’s screen and they’re reading off ChatGPT lmao
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
It’s quite common for nazis to do both. “The death count is inflated, but they deserved it anyway/I wish it were more” and such.
- Comment on Gulf of Make a Report to Apple 3 weeks ago:
“Why are you so mad” I’m having a casual conversation on a social media platform lol.
- Comment on Gulf of Make a Report to Apple 3 weeks ago:
I didn’t vote in the US presidential election because I’m neither a citizen nor resident, and I’m also banned from entering your borders anyway lol. But sure I’m responsible for your fascism. Sorry for telling you to do effective things instead of checks notes sending pointless messages to underpaid Apple employees assigned to read customer complaints, who will have been told by their bosses to disregard these messages. My bad, don’t do any political activity, just complain to corpos instead.
- Comment on Gulf of Make a Report to Apple 3 weeks ago:
Now where the hell did I say “do nothing”. Hilarious that liberals’ idea of “doing something” is “put a comment into Apple complaints that they can easily not even look at”.
- Comment on Gulf of Make a Report to Apple 3 weeks ago:
You’re shouting into the void. Stop trying to beg the ruling class to not oppress you and get organised. They will not give up power voluntarily.
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 3 weeks ago:
VPS in order to go offshore due to being a political organiser/having state interest in me. If my domestic state was not interested in me I would use a home lab though; it’d wind up cheaper in the long run I reckon, better performance as it’s bare metal (though my VPS is KVM so performance hit is negligible), and better control since you both own and have physical access to the server. For most people’s purposes I’m sure an old laptop or a raspberry pi would work fine so you don’t need to splash out either. I probably wouldn’t suggest a VPS unless you have the same threat model as me (ie likely to get raided & server seized, or likely to have active monitoring of your internet activity via ISP); I don’t really think it’s worth the money long term. Or I guess if you do just have general privacy concerns you could rent a VPS in a country known for decent privacy, but just for peace of mind reasons instead of a tangible threat to you.
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 3 weeks ago:
It’s not migrating my email I need, it’s forwarding new emails sent to my old address. I mostly use duck addresses these days so luckily I can just change the address ddg forwards to in future, but prior to starting to use ddg’s email service I’d have a ton of services I need to change the email address for. Proton offers this service but I’d have to pay a subscription for it, and obviously I need it indefinitely if some service sends me an email eg 5 years down the line. Of course emails sent to an old email 5 years later are probably not important but it’s just convenient to not have to log into Protonmail to check if I’ve got any mail sent to my old address.
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 3 weeks ago:
It is a bit nuts how hard it is to switch email accounts. Although conveniently I believe gmail has a forwarding feature. Protonmail unfortunately doesn’t in its free tier (I recently switched from protonmail to self-hosted postfix/dovecot), and paying for a protonmail subscription just to forward my emails to a different email seems to defeat the point of paying for an email service.
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 2 months ago:
That kind of data access is generally included under security not privacy (which is more about telemetry), but obviously with a state threat model privacy and security can become blurred, and that kind of data access is of concern if you are at risk of having devices seized by the state.
- Comment on LineageOS now officially supports the Pixel 9 series 2 months ago:
That would be a security issue, not a privacy issue. Maybe that was what RelativeArea0 meant but if so I think that confused people because “privacy” implies somehow corpos/the state is spying on you through Lineage
- Comment on Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion 2 months ago:
No fun allowed
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 4 months ago:
Fuuuuck there goes my plan to get this monkey to write Hamlet within the lifetime of the universe…
- Comment on Microsoft fires employees who organized vigil for Palestinians killed in Gaza 4 months ago:
When the workplace is assisting the genocide of the people the vigil is for.
- Comment on Inside the U.S. Government-Bought Tool That Can Track Phones at Abortion Clinics 4 months ago:
Article link not requiring you to sign up:
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
Calling making a subreddit private “harming redditors and Reddit” is insane
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 5 months ago:
Sorry to hear about your ankle. When you’re able to, I’d also like to know what the add-on is
- Comment on AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 5 months ago:
And yet I can’t beat the CAPTCHAs because reCAPTCHA doesn’t like VPNs lol
- Comment on GrapheneOS now officially supports Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL | GrapheneOS is a private, secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility, developed as a non-profit open source project 6 months ago:
I’m sorry to hear that, but also, what does that mean for people in your country who don’t have smartphones? I know that sometimes people aren’t allowed to own smartphones (refugees, or sometimes imposed on a defendant as part of criminal proceedings)—if you don’t own a smartphone can you just not participate in society there?
Tbh when I’ve been required to install some kind of dodgy proprietary app that doesn’t work well with GrapheneOS I just tell them I don’t have a smartphone and they seem to be fine with that and offer me a “low-tech” alternative for whatever it is (usually some kind of 2FA app). It’s concerning when important things are inaccessible to people without a smartphone, because of course that’s the baseline for things being accessible for everyone regardless of their phone situation, e.g. people with degoogled phones etc.
- Comment on GrapheneOS now officially supports Pixel 9, 9 Pro, and 9 Pro XL | GrapheneOS is a private, secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility, developed as a non-profit open source project 6 months ago:
If your priority is to not give a cent to Google then don’t use GrapheneOS. There are other degoogled OSes for people whose priority is that. If your priority is security then you’d be willing to sacrifice on avoiding anything Google by getting GrapheneOS.
In any case, technically if you wanted to avoid anything primarily made by Google you’d have a Linux phone. The degoogled Android OSes are still based on Google’s open-source code.
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 6 months ago:
Use rss feeds maybe? Adding
to a tumblr blog’s url (in the format) shows an rss feed - Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
People need houses to live. Taking stuff off your own server doesn’t throw someone out onto the streets and leave them to the elements. Come on lol
- Comment on Microsoft is bringing annoying Windows 11 Start menu ads to Windows 10 6 months ago:
uses busybox so I can um actually your um actually
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
Personally I’m fine with 8as’ specs and don’t need any of the extra features of the Pixel 8 so I’d prefer to save the money and get an 8a. Plus 8as are supported for longer. Nothing wrong with getting an 8 instead if that’s what you want though
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
A contactless card barely takes up any space. It’s not particularly easier to lose either. I’ve never lost my card; I just keep it in my wallet, in my pocket, just like my phone is in my pocket.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
Enjoy! For future reference I’d recommend just getting the latest Pixel as you’ll get the longest software support. E.g. a Pixel 8a is supported till May 2031, which is plenty of time to get a lot of usage out of your phone.
- Comment on Google Says Sorry After Passwords Vanish For 15 Million Windows Users. 7 months ago:
Me when I don’t use Chrome, I don’t use Windows, and I don’t use browser password saving either
- Comment on Google Says Sorry After Passwords Vanish For 15 Million Windows Users. 7 months ago:
I would rather lose my passwords than have my password database be accessed by someone else. Most websites have a “forgot password” function, and for passwords that don’t have that (e.g. to decrypt my hard drive or log into my computer) I’ve memorised the passphrase and always type it manually anyway. And for passwords where neither applies, it’s probably not a huge loss anyway if I’ve not prepared for the possibility of losing my password db for that particular password.