- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 22 hours ago:
So once again instead of providing choice the market is simply phasing out things with smaller profit margins as if they planned it together in some kind of cartel.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago:
They’re already posturing Pete Buttigege to be their next chosen one. I wonder if the dems will even bother with primaries this time around.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
If you dont understand the refrence you probably wont be able to tell if it’s necessary for understanding though. Sure youll underatand the second line on its own but that doesn’t necessarily mean the part you dont understand isn’t important. For all the out of the loop reader knows, that’s info is pertinent to the title too, how could they even evaluate if it is or isn’t if they don’t understand it. Less than half of English speakers had English as a first language, its still built up on needless pretense for the sake of what?
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
Her reference here is certainly more of a turn of phrase but the fact that shes defending pop culture references as communication while accusing of gatekeeping is what’s more hypocritical.
- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
References not everyone gets are a form of gatekeeping too just saying.
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
They claimed to have problems and need to order their wifi part form a specific manufacturer yet claimed to have built their machine themselves
Why would building a rig yourself preclude you from needing to order parts? When people say build a rig it’s usually always them ordering parts isn’t it?
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
What boggles my mind is they WANT more people to join them them obliterate anyone who may try to and wonder why no one wants to bother. Like an OS where I’m going to need to learn things is one thing, but one where I need to learn from people like them . . . yeah I see why they don’t have success with people outside comp sci fields.
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
They’re even defending their decision to because it somehow isn’t relevant to the article enough for them. Its a cult.
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
Maybe Id buy that if yall didn’t do the same thing to someone else explaining they do have problems once one of you tried to explain to the previous commenter that his expirence was wrong. You just hate seeing things that dont fit your penguin superiority complex. No matter the context.
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
Lmfao ‘how dare you have an expirence other than Linux is great!’
This fucking site man.
- Comment on OpenAI: Our models are more persuasive than 82% of Reddit users 3 weeks ago:
Aside from a shinking number of subs the only thing redditors can convince me is that I should stop looking at reddit. So if that’s your bar . . .
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
because the people who do the punishing also like money and get more of it from continuing the status quo than punishing other money makers.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Because our society financially rewards people for taking advantage of other people, so it would be silly to expect it to stop.
- Comment on Are affordable apartments easy and cheap suicide prevention? 1 month ago:
Disease prevention too
- Comment on Meta's Nick Clegg to step down, will be replaced by well-connected Republican 1 month ago:
Most propagandized nation in history
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 1 month ago:
How much you poop is going to vary based both on your body and your diet. Ive read anywhere from 3 times a day to once every 3 days can be normal.
- Comment on USB-C cable CT scan reveals sinister active electronics — O.MG cable contains a hidden antenna and another die embedded in the microcontroller 2 months ago:
Yeah that makes sense, im no expert but whats that saying ‘physical access is root access’ or something along those lines. Id imagine this is true (in spirit at least) about the cables.
- Comment on USB-C cable CT scan reveals sinister active electronics — O.MG cable contains a hidden antenna and another die embedded in the microcontroller 2 months ago:
Its designed to be used for pen testers so they don’t have to spenr $20,000 on the alternative cable. Its a single cable thats costs like $200, so im not really worried many people are going to get hacked because they accidentally bought a $200 cable.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
You and me baby aint nothing but mamals, so lets lead a revolution like on discovery channel
- Comment on Is there any truth to this? 3 months ago:
I haven’t really seen any toxicity on there yet, and I’d wager both are less toxic than here regardless.
- Comment on Why BlueSky Isn’t the Alternative to X (Formerly Twitter) You’re Looking For — and Why Mastodon Is the Better Choice Over X, Threads, and BlueSky 3 months ago:
Yes honestly, we can manage what instances are pooled for on boarding.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
So then what does the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment do? Just paper filler? If someone was under 35 it wouldn’t matter how many votes they got for president, if someone wasn’t a naturalized citizen it wouldn’t matter how many votes they got. Im not asking for antidemocratic things to be banned, im asking for the law to be followed.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Well its a good thing Biden avoided seeming like a tyrant so that an actual tyrant could take power. That makes it make sense.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Whos gonna enforce their decision? Executive brance is every cop and every corrections officer in the country, they are under the executive branch ans answer tl the president, not the judicial or legislative branches. What Biden tells them goes, no ifs ands or buts.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
Biden was the chief executive I don’t know why the courts had any say in executing a law that is already on the books. A strong president would have done his job executing the law and making the SC enforce their over reaching decision themselves.
- Comment on USA President term limits 3 months ago:
In that case free his would be assassins, nothing illegal about trying to kill a movement, just ask the CIA, they do it all the time.
- Comment on Drab Breasted Bamboo TYRANT 3 months ago:
Ahh yes, the tiny titty bamboo bitch
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
I don’t even wanna know what my grandma got up to
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
All thanks to the wonderful muscles of the human ass. I can’t help but laugh sometimes.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
Early enough in human history we weren’t even relying on weapons to hunt as much as the fact that despite not having as high of a top speed as our prey, we could literally chase them until they died of exhaustion, that doesn’t seem like gender would make too much of a difference in it. We all get out ran by prey in the short term, and we all have the stamina and speed to catch up.